Jews Continue to Try to Stop Trump From Stopping Terrorism

Daily Stormer
March 9, 2017

The Jews will never stop trying to flood America with terrorists.

You have to wonder: what type of a group of people would purposefully flood a country with murdering terrorists?

I mean, they live here, the Jews.


A ruling by the federal judge in Seattle blocking President Donald Trump’s original travel ban should apply to the new measure as well, says the Washington state attorney general. New York, Oregon and Minnesota are joining the lawsuit as well.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Thursday that he will ask Judge James Robart to extend his February 3 injunction against the original “Muslim ban” to the new executive order signed by Trump on Monday, which is scheduled to go into effect on March 16.

“We’re asserting that the president cannot unilaterally declare himself free of the court’s restraining order and injunction,” Ferguson said at a news conference, according to Politico. “It’s our view that that temporary restraining order that we’ve already obtained remains in effect.”

Ferguson said his office is filing a motion asking Judge Robart to affirm that the existing injunction applies to parallel portions of the new executive order.

Trump’s March 6 order blocks citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US for 90 days, citing an absence of adequate vetting procedures. The updated order does not apply to legal US permanent residents and contains other exemptions intended to address the objections in Robart’s original injunction. Ferguson, a Democrat, is having none of it, however.

“The intent behind the executive order targeting those Muslim countries still remains, and that is unconstitutional,” he told NPR.

“The test is whether or not a motivating factor behind the travel ban was an improper religious bias against Muslims,” Ferguson said. “That doesn’t mean in some other context with immigration, he doesn’t have broad powers. He does. But for this particular travel ban, he’s going to run into this problem over and over again.”

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum – all Democrats – said they would join Ferguson in challenging the new travel ban.

All Democrats, yes.

And two Jews and a woman.

Is there really any non-Jew/non-Moslem who wants more Moslems in America?

Or is this like, just the Jews taking advantage of people who don’t like Donald Trump?

Sort of like, getting a girl to have sex with you because she’s mad at her boyfriend?

I have seen really good-looking women have sex with some really nasty guys to take revenge on their boyfriends. I think this is basically the same dynamic we have going on here.