Jews Cry About Christians Turning Muslims Into Anti-Semites

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2014

This is how the Jews repaid our Christian kindness to them. By abducting, torturing and murdering our innocent children.

The Jews have to blame White people and specifically Christians for everything.

Even when it is Muslims criticising them and trying to run them out of town, it must be the Christians fault.

Here, Deborah Lipstadt, famous for slandering David Irving and coining the term ‘Holocaust Denier’, shows a complete inability for self reflection and places the blame for the Muslims dislike of Jews, solely on the shoulders of White Christians.

Deborah Lipstadt, professor of holohoax studies.

NY Times:

It’s true that this is not the anti-Semitism of the 1930s, which came from the right and was rooted in longstanding Christian views that demonized the Jews. Traditionally, Islam did not treat Jews this way. But in the past century a distinct strain of Muslim anti-Semitism has emerged. Built on a foundation of antipathy toward non-Muslims, it mixes Christian anti-Semitism — imported to the Middle East by European missionaries — and a more leftist, secular form of anti-Semitism. It is evident in political cartoons, editorials, television shows and newspaper articles.

No Deborah, it was not longstanding Christian views that demonised the Jews, the Christians bent over backwards to be nice to you, allowing you into our countries and even mistakenly allowing you into our churches and giving you citizenship, even though you had crucified our Christian God and blasphemed him in your Talmud. You Jews did the demonising all by yourselves.

When we generously allowed you back into Palestine you proceeded to terrorise and ethnically cleanse the original inhabitants. Christians have no history of sending missionaries to the Middle East, we were fighting against them in our Crusades with no intention of proselytising them. Your horrendous behaviour towards them is what turned them against you, the same as it turned us against you.

The Protocols
Whether it was a genuine dictation or not doesn’t matter, what matters is that it has all come true.

The Hamas charter is an example. It contains references to “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a notorious forgery created by Russian czarist police officers in 1903 and later used as Nazi propaganda. The charter accuses Jews of relying on secret societies to foment global economic and political disasters. It calls on adherents to prepare for “the next round with the Jews, the merchants of war.”

A notorious forgery? So there is a real one somewhere? Yes the Protocols do allege that Jews use secret societies, as well as foment economic and political disasters and you Jews have proved those allegations to be correct! Is the head of the Fed not Jewish? Is David Cameron not of Jewish descent? Is Ed Miliband not Jewish?

Notice how Deborah does not offer any evidence to counter the allegations, but just expects people to disregard them as irrational, even though the proof of them being valid is now clear to everyone.

The rationales — “it’s just rhetoric,” “it’s just Muslims” — bother me almost as much as the outrages. Instead of explaining away these actions, cultural, religious and academic leaders in all the countries where these events have occurred should be shaken to the core, not just about the safety of their Jewish neighbors, but about the future of the seemingly liberal, enlightened societies they belong to. Yet when a Hamas spokesman recently stood by his statement that Jews used the blood of non-Jewish children for their matzos — one of the oldest anti-Semitic canards around — European elites were largely silent.

The so-called ‘Blood Libel’ is not a canard though is it Deborah. The finest courts all over Europe found you Jews guilty of it. There were countless instances of it happening, with confessions, witnesses, forensic evidence, even certain parts of the crime that were kept hidden from the public were being repeated each time. There has never been any alternative explanation been given for any of those murders, just lots of money being offered to keep people silent instead. You even intimidated your own into keeping silent about it when they wrote a detailed book investigating it and discovered that it was all true!

Excellent book proving it was not a ‘libel’.

Seventy years after the Holocaust, many Jews in Europe no longer feel safe. Hiring an armed guard to protect people coming for weekly prayer is not the action of a secure people. In too many cities worldwide, directions to the local synagogue conclude with, “You will recognize it by the police car in front of the building.” France has seen a sharp rise in the number of Jews who have decided to emigrate (though the figures are still fairly small).

Hiring an armed guard to protect people praying is hardly the action of a people who trust in God Deborah. It is the behavior of a people with a guilty conscience, whose treatment of others has been so atrocious that they can no longer go anywhere without fear of reprisal. The fact that you have Police cars waiting outside your synagogues for you does not make us feel sorry for you, it makes us angry at the way you have hijacked our forces of law and order and turned them against us.

The telegram has arrived. Jews are worrying. It is time for those who value a free, democratic, open, multicultural and enlightened society to do so, too. This is not another Holocaust, but it’s bad enough.

Well we aren’t worried Deborah. It was you Jews who invited the Muslims into our countries and it was you who riled them up, not Christians. It is not Christians bombing their children in Gaza and it is not Christians going around promoting faggotry everywhere. We don’t want your democracy and we don’t want your multicultural society either. We know that both of them are just weapons you use against us.

We want both you and the Muslims to leave our countries and this time never come back.

There is no point crying about it, you have burnt your bridges and now you stand exposed to the whole world as the Devils that you really are.
