Jews Cry About Synagogue Graffiti While Using Palestinian Homes as Open Latrines

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 10, 2014

The Hove Hebrew Congregation Synagogue in Hove has been sprayed with Pro-Gaza graffiti.

These Jews double standards are incredible. Any criticism of their actions is pathologized into a mental illness called ‘Anti-Semitism,’ but if you don’t criticize their behavior then that means losing your own humanity.

There just aren’t words strong enough to describe the Jews actions against those they don’t like. Just contrast these two news reports, the first from a synagogue in Britain.

The Argus:

Tensions in the Middle East have threatened to spill over here after graffiti supporting Gaza was sprayed onto a synagogue.

Police were called after the words ‘Free Gaza’ were found sprayed in black onto the door of the Hove Hebrew Congregation in Hove.

Tensions are running high over the current flare-up of extreme violence in the long-running conflict between Israel and Palestinian territories. More than 1,800 Palestinians and 67 Israelis have been killed since Israel started bombing Gaza in early July, officially in response to rocket fire.

The synagogue’s Rabbi Vivian Silverman said the graffiti was “upsetting” but it has now “all been removed and things are back to normal”.

Many Israel supporters described the message as “anti-Semitic” on social media, although Rabbi Silverman was more cautious. He said: “People’s feelings are very pent up especially when you see the pictures coming out of Gaza, so it does not necessarily mean anti-Semitism.

But as you know anti – Israel things have a smacking of being anti-Semitic.”

If ‘Free Gaza’ painted on a synagogue has a ‘smacking of being Anti-Semitic,’ then what does throwing faeces around someone’s home, smashing everything up and writing death threats all over the place count as?

Some of the graffiti Ahmed Owedat found on returning to his home in the town of Burij.

The Guardian:

When Ahmed Owedat returned to his home 18 days after Israeli soldiers took it over in the middle of the night, he was greeted with an overpowering stench.

He picked through the wreckage of his possessions thrown from upstairs windows to find that the departing troops had left a number of messages. One came from piles of faeces on his tiled floors and in wastepaper baskets, and a plastic bottle filled with urine.

If that was not clear enough, the words “Fuck Hamas” had been carved into a concrete wall in the staircase. “Burn Gaza down” and “Good Arab = dead Arab” were engraved on a coffee table. The star of David was drawn in blue in a bedroom.

“I have scrubbed the floors three times today and three times yesterday,” said Owedat, 52, as he surveyed the damage, which included four televisions, a fridge, a clock and several computers tossed out of windows, shredded curtains and slashed soft furnishings.

A handful of plastic chairs had their seats ripped open, through which the occupying soldiers defecated, he said. Gaping holes had been blown in four ground-floor external walls, and there was damage from shelling to the top floor. There, in the living room, diagrams had been drawn on the walls, showing buildings and palm trees in the village, with figures that Owedat thought represented their distance from the border.

“I have no money to fix this,” he said, claiming that his life savings of $10,000 (£6,000) were missing from his apartment. But at least it could be repaired, he acknowledged, gesturing through the broken glass at a wasteland stretching towards the Israel-Gaza border 3km away. “Every house between here and there has been destroyed.”

Any right thinking person would condemn this sort of behavior, no matter who it was done to. These Jews really are behaving just like the rats that they are often compared to, pooping and pissing everywhere in someone else’s home.

Israelis enjoying the bombing of Gaza
Jews celebrate the brave IDF pooping all over peoples homes like rats.