Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
September 2, 2015
![This is the REAL Hollywood](/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/670180-59201db2-503e-11e5-b4b9-6e09adcdd8b2-618x348.jpg)
Jew visitors to the Auschwitz concentration camp are citing holocausted-feels because the management installed misting showers to cool visitors, The Daily Telegraph reports.
Due to a gruelling heatwave currently being experienced in Poland, the administration of this Jewish version of Disneyland decided to install a misting shower system, so that visitors can cool off.
But this isn’t good enough for the whingeing Jew visitors who want everyone to die from heat exhaustion so that they can share in the warped death-camp fantasy. In fact, they are a-gassed. Sorry, that should be, aghast. They feel it somehow disrespects the bogus memory of the sixteen-jillion Jews who lost their lives after being herded by whip-wielding Nazi guards into showers and gassed with Zyklon B.
Neurotic kike holohoaxer, Mei Bulka, 48, wailed to The Jerusalem Post, “Oy vey! As a Jew who has lost so many relatives in the Holocaust, they looked like the showers that the Jews were forced to take before entering the gas chambers. All the Israelis felt this was very distasteful.”
![Jews resent any shower that doesn't contain Zyklon B](/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/669426-057520aa-503d-11e5-b4b9-6e09adcdd8b2-195x300.jpg)
Clearly used to dealing with lying Jew rats, the management posted a message on Facebook saying, “Because of the extreme heatwave we have experienced in August in Poland, mist sprinklers which cool the air were placed near the entrance to the Museum.
“They are located in one place — near the area where a queue of people who collect the entry cards to the Memorial is formed.”
The actual location provides no shade, and given the long wait that many visitors endure, it seemed the White thing to do. Sorry, the right thing to do.
“Something had to be done, as we have noticed cases of faints among people and other dangerous situations… The safety and health of visitors are our priority during the period of extreme heat.”
Of course, a cynic might argue that the whole Holocaust myth is washed away by the reality of this shower prejudice. Jews have a natural aversion to bathing; preferring to stew in their own manky juices. Those same cynics might even shockingly argue that there is a reason for this, and it has to do with Jew molecules consisting of dirt grains. But we here at Daily Stormer do all we can to dissuade anti-Semitism, racism and stuff that makes non-Whites feel hurty.
Thus the memorial’s spokesperson dismissed these objections as typical Jew troublemaking, explaining, “It is really hard for us to comment on some suggested historical references since the mist sprinkles do not look like showers and the fake showers installed by the Germans inside some of the gas chambers were not used to deliver gas into them.”
The concept of normal showers in Auschwitz is bad ju-ju to Yids, who prefer the more salubrious idea of gas chambers, and crematoriums. But the management of Auschwitz have no idea what they have unleashed through their pitiful concern for the well-being of the memorial’s visitors: because the next squillion movies about the Holohoax to come out of Hollyweird are down to them and their mist showers. The goyim have to learn, see.
They’ll just keep coming until us dumb goy admit that 2+2 = six million-dead-Jews.