Daily Stormer
June 11, 2015

Guys, you’re not going to believe this one: the Jews are outraged. And they are demanding an apology.
Jewish Democrats slammed an NPR interviewer Wednesday for asking whether Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had dual citizenship with Israel on-air.
The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) criticized broadcaster Diane Rehm for her “indefensible” questioning in a statement.
Muffugguh ah be hit da goyim if da goyim be assen too many dem quessens.
“It is appalling that in today’s age, a longtime Jewish elected official would face implications that he splits his loyalty between the United States and Israel for no other reason that his religion,” said Greg Rosenbaum, chair of the NJDC’s board of directors.
“This anti-Semitic canard of dual loyalty has persisted for decades, particularly about American Jews in public service,” he said.
“To directly ask, as Diane Rehm did, if there are members of Congress who hold dual citizenship with Israel is unbelievably offensive and completely indefensible,” Rosenbaum added of Sanders, a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate.
“There are no legitimate sources that claim that Sen. Sanders holds Israeli citizenship, and if Diane Rehm was citing one of the many dark, anti-Semitic corners of the Internet as her source, we have grave doubts as to her journalistic credentials.”
Thas right muffugguh, he a goo boy dindu nuffin. Yall be rassiss.
The NJDC also took issue with Rehm’s apology for her exchange with Sanders earlier Wednesday.
“Ms. Rehm’s subsequent statement that she is glad to have been able to put this ‘rumor’ to rest is no apology at all,” Rosenbaum said.
Haha. “Bowing isn’t good enough, goyim! Get down on your knees!”
This is obviously stupid. All Jews are de facto citizens of Israel, so the question has no meaning. And all Jews are loyal to Jews above goyim, as is constantly evidenced by absolutely everything they do – including attacking an NPR host for asking a question about their loyalty.