Godfrey Bouillon
Daily Stormer
April 15, 2015

The persecution never ends.
Jewish students are the single most vulnerable minority on California campuses.
Something tells me that the Jews’ brown allies wouldn’t take kindly to this statement. This kind of Oppression Olympics jockeying for “most oppressed” or “most vulnerable” status presents strategic opportunities for us to blow apart their political coalition by turning Negroes, Moslems, Trannies and others against them. We would greatly benefit from having the #JewishPrivilege meme take hold in SJW circles.
In July 2012, then-University of California President Mark Yudof published the UC Jewish Student Campus Climate Report, in which students said they felt isolated and unsafe. One day after the release of the report, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the National Lawyers Guild launched a campaign demanding that Yudof reject the report. To this day, none of the report’s findings or recommendations have been acknowledged, let alone adopted.
Why is this a thing? Does the UC system produce similar “Campus Climate Reports” for other ethnic groups? Or is this one of those special privileges that only Jews get?
In August 2012, the state Assembly unanimously approved House Resolution 35, condemning anti-Semitic activity on California campuses. Importantly, the resolution invoked the U.S. State Department definition of anti-Semitism and declared that “boycott, divestment, and sanction campaigns against Israel” are anti-Semitic and had led to harassment and intimidation of Jewish students.
California’s pension system is effectively bankrupt, the state is home to millions of illegal immigrants, the public school system is utter crap, and the agricultural industry is dying due to water shortages, but the California legislature somehow has the time and energy to pass crap like this. Anything to appease the Jew puppet masters.
Solely because she was Jewish, a student with exemplary credentials was nearly prevented from joining student government at UCLA. A Jewish fraternity at UC Davis was vandalized with swastikas only days after a divestment vote on campus. Swastikas were recently found on buildings at UC Berkeley.
How dare Gentiles keep a Jew out of government?! They really do feel entitled to rule over us, don’t they?
One of the key takeaways here is that the Swastika remains a powerful symbol. It retains its potency. Even in our present-day degenerate culture where Jews celebrate anything “edgy” or transgressive, the Swastika is a “step too far”. It reminds them of who we are and what we are capable of when united and morally healthy. That scares them. Embrace it, brothers.
Another takeaway is just how cowardly and weak the Jewish race is. Drawings on a wall send them into apoplectic fits. They’re not used to being challenged in any way and are at a loss at how to respond when they are. In previous eras, they could makeup for their lack of numbers and lack of masculinity by mobilizing their non-White allies against us. Now there’s this anti-Zionist BDS thing that non-Whites are embracing. Now they see the possibility that the SJW Golem they created might consume them as well as their enemies. They feel naked and vulnerable as a result. This is good, very good, for us.
Press forward, warriors.
Hail victory!