William Martel
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2015

Only the sick, twisted mind of the Jew would come up with an idea so unnatural and insane. Only the “chosen ones,” who hate everything natural, would go out of their way to find a way for faggots to have their own children and defy the basic order of nature.
How would this work? I have no clue. But they are working on it.
As reported by homo site Pink News:
The team, from Cambridge, and the Weizmann Institute in Israel, was funded by The Wellcome Trust.
Azim Surani, leader of the project, told The Sunday Times: “We have succeeded in the first and most important step of this process, which is to show we can make these very early human stem cells in a dish. We have also discovered that one of the things that happens in these germ cells is that epigenetic mutations, the cell mistakes that occur with age, are wiped out.”
Azumi Surani (probably a Filipino-Chinese or Eskimo or something) has also contributed to the “muh Holocaust” Mount Sinai Inheritance Study which suggested that it may be possible that the descendants of the Hoaxsters can inherit their ancestors’ feels. Oh my what a coincidence that this same man is teaming up with the Jews in some more deranged research.
The article continues:
Researchers from Cambridge University have discovered that it is possible to make a baby using skin cells of parents of the same sex.
The researchers have shown, for the first time, that human egg and sperm cells can be made from stem cells of two adults.
Researchers say the technique could mean same-sex couples could have babies in just two years time.
The scientists used stem cell lines from embryos as well as cells from the skin of five different adults.
Ten different donor sources have been used so far and new germ-cell lines have been created from all of them.
That’s right: two years goyim.
Like I say, I have no idea how this is going to work, since I’m no geneticist, but I can only hope that it totally fails. I could only imagine that such children will not only be psychologically unstable, but probably suffer from terrible deformities or other aliments because of this unnatural way of producing human life. But of course the satanic Jew doesn’t care about such possible consequences and will stop at nothing to try to destroy all things good and natural.