Jews Fear Being Turned Into Lampshades After Charlottesville Rally

Daily Stormer
August 16, 2017

The torches symbolize the lamps we will adorn with Jew lampshades some day.

It doesn’t take a PhD in mathematics to understand that White men + pride + organization = Jews being stuffed into ovens.

And since the Charlottesville rally shows a lot of all three ingredients, the Jews who somehow recovered from being turned into lampshades and soap in the 40’s are justifiably worried that they’ll experience the process all over again.

NBC News:

With its Nazi symbols and slogans, the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend evoked painful feelings for many, especially survivors of the Holocaust.

“Looking at swastikas, neo-Nazis, hatred of Jews — and not just Jews, but African-Americans and Mexicans and Muslims — it’s really troubling,” said Michael Bornstein, who barely escaped alive from Auschwitz more than seven decades ago.

Can you begin to imagine how hard it is to play soccer while being a lampshade?

“To see this prejudice is still here is very troubling.”

Bornstein, 77, a Polish native who now lives in New Jersey, was 4 years old when he was liberated from the infamous Nazi concentration camp in Germany. He only has fading memories of the horrors there: the smell of the ovens where bodies were cremated, the sound of soldiers’ boots marching, the feeling of being starved nearly to death.

I’m sure his memory will be refreshed soon.

The Jews understand that nationalist feelings growing in the breast of the goyim will endanger their positions as social parasites, and instinctively recoil at any display of ethnic pride and unity emanating from their hosts.

Also, what the hell is up with these Auschwitz tattoos?

Bornstein’s alleged holocaust tattoo.

Other alleged holo-tattoos.

Why are all these tattoos done in different sizes, in different parts of the arm and in different writing styles and ink colors? Isn’t that counter productive if you’re trying to make the organization of prisoners more efficient?

Could it be that most of these are just hoaxes that the Jews have done themselves in order to garner sympathy?