Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2013

It is incredible when the Jews demand an end to free speech in all White countries. But this is even worse: Australia is attempting to restore the rights of free speech for the people, and the Jews are flipping out, trying to make sure the oppressive, Orwellian thought-crime legislation remains in place.
From Ha’aretz:
Jewish leaders in Australia are bracing for a potential showdown with the new Liberal government over its pre-election pledge to repeal sections of the nation’s race hate laws, which make Holocaust denial and the promotion of anti-Semitism unlawful.

The Guardian provides further details:
The executive director of the Australia/Israel Jewish Affairs Council, Dr Colin Rubenstein, conceded that the government had made clear before the election its concerns that aspects of the law infringed freedom of speech, but said he had understood there would first be consultations and a full review of the act’s effectiveness.
“To pre-empt the outcome of such a review risks giving succour to racists, which is especially undesirable in the wake of a number of recent public incidents highlighting the continued prevalence of acts of racist victimisation in Australia, and returning victims of racism to a situation where they were left without any legal recourse at a national level,” including the recent attack in Bondi.
Peter Wertheim, the executive director of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, said repealing the relevant section of the act, without any replacement, “would mean Australia was turning back the clock 15 years in complying with the convention against all forms of racial discrimination”.
They do not believe a human being has a right to freedom of opinion on the nature of historical events, or the behavior of their race as a collective.

Remember, these are the same Jews who believe everyone has the ‘freedom’ to do the following:
- Have gay sex and advertise gay sex to children
- Produce and distribute every kind of pornography
- Commit suicide
- Kill babies
- Mutilate babies’ genitals
- Blaspheme Christ publicly
- Cut off their penis and pretend to be a woman
Many of them are now also lobbying for the legalization of sex with animals and children.
And yet open historical inquiry into, among other things, the events of WWII, or personal opinions about the practices of the Jewish people or the invading barbarian hordes of nonwhites (or, in Australia’s case, the nature of the savage natives), should be explicitly forbidden, and punished with imprisonment.