Jews Have Fanatical Fit Over Farage’s New Holo-Denying EU Partner

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 24, 2014

The Daily Mail Jews have shown their annoyance at Nigel by using this picture for their article.

The self appointed heads of the ‘British’ Board of Jewish Deputies are stamping their feet and gnashing their teeth with fury at Nigel Farage for forming a pact with a party leader who they have designated as a ‘Holocaust Denier.’

Nigel appears to have out-Jewed them, saying the reason for this is so that the party gets more funding from the EU, but he is really just speaking to them in a language that they will understand.

Besides getting the extra money, UKIP will now get extended time to speak on the floor of the EU Parliament, as well as extra weight to their demands.

Notice the way the Jews have the nerve to give orders to Mr. Farage, demanding he answer their ‘serious questions’ and roundly reject his new EU partner.

Why won’t these Jews answer any of our ‘serious questions’?

Daily Mail:

The Board of Deputies of British Jews said it was ‘gravely concerned’ by Ukip’s deal to accept a member of the Polish Congress of the new Right (KNP) into its grouping in the European Parliament.Robert Iwaszkiewicz’s decision to join the Eurosceptic EFDD (Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy) group headed by Mr Farage means it has enough members to increase its funding and standing in the parliament.

Robert Iwaszkiewicz does not care for political correctness.

But Mr Iwaszkiewicz has been criticised for joking about hitting women and his party’s leader has questioned whether Hitler knew about the Holocaust and suggested women are less intelligent and should not vote.

Today Board of Deputies vice president Jonathan Arkush said the KNP should be ’roundly rejected’ and described Mr Farage’s welcoming of Mr Iwaszkiewicz in order to get money as ‘beyond belief’.

He said: ‘Robert Iwaszkiewicz belongs to an extremist party whose leader has a history of Holocaust denial, racist remarks and misogynistic comments.

‘Extremists and racists should be roundly rejected, not embraced. Even France’s far right Front National rejected the (KNP) as being too extreme.

‘For Ukip to choose such a figure as Robert Iwaszkiewicz as a bedfellow, apparently for money, is beyond belief.

‘Nigel Farage now has some very serious questions to answer. He has placed in issue the credibility of Ukip.’

But Mr Farage said his party needed to do deals to make sure its voice was heard and insisted he would not work with extremists.

‘I have found nothing in this guy’s background to suggest he is a political extremist at all. He has joined our group to save us,’ he told BBC Radio 4’s The World at One.

‘All of us in the European Parliament have to make compromises to make sure that our voice is heard. I want us to have our voice, I want us to have a group, but I will not do it at any price.

‘If it came to a decision that do we cast Ukip into the outer darkness of a non-attached group here or do a deal with a known prominent extremist in Europe, I would not do that deal.’

Asked about the MEP’s reported comment that there were ‘quite a few wives around who’d be brought back down to earth’ if their husbands hit them, Mr Farage, said: ‘I think that comment was a joke’.

But he added: ‘I’ve never met him, I’ve never spoken to him.’

Nigel getting tired of being called a racist all the time.