Jews Hijack White Victim Status for Knockout Attacks

Daily Stormer
April 5, 2014

Its not the Jews that they are aiming for.
Its not the Jews that they are aiming for. Jews are just collateral damage.

Jews just cannot stand to see White people getting any sympathy anywhere, unless it is organised and controlled by them. Anti-Semitic attacks on Jews have trebled this year, according to the ADL, and its all the fault of a new trend called ‘knockout’. Apparently this ‘stunt’ is a specifically Anti-Semitic incident, as opposed to your more common ‘general’ Anti-Semitic incident like graffiti. They can only come up with two cases of it happening though, when we at the Daily Stormer learn of at least two instances of White people being ‘knockout’ victims every day. Why is it ‘Anti-Semitic’ when a Jew gets beaten up but just ‘random’ when a White man gets beaten up? It is because Jews now have a privileged status whereas White people are just second class citizens in their own countries.

Jews, primarily, since they are responsible for bringing the savage creatures here in the first place and giving the equal status.
Jews, primarily, since they are responsible for bringing the savage creatures here in the first place and then agitating to let even more in, rather than sending the first lot back once they had been freed.

From The JC:

Attacks on Jews in New York more than trebled last year, according to figures released by the Anti-Defamation League.

There were 22 assaults on Jewish New Yorkers in 2013, compared to just six in the previous 12 months.

The ADL said it could not explain the significant rise, but it is thought the “knockout game” trend was partly responsible.

As part of the knockout stunt, an unsuspecting victim is punched by an attacker who films the assault and then posts footage on social media sites.

The craze is similar to the “happy slapping” trend in Britain a number of years ago.

Although the number of physical assaults in New York rose, general antisemitic incidents including graffiti and harassment, fell across the city, and the United States, last year.

Evan Bernstein, the ADL’s New York regional director, said: “What we have seen in the past is that when things happen in Israel, for example, it could stir things up here. But that wasn’t the case last year.

“The rise of assaults in certain areas of New York City – in particular Brooklyn – is both disturbing and a sobering reminder that antisemitism is not just history but remains a current event.”

One incident involved a 12-year-old girl being punched in the head, and in another a Jewish pensioner was punched in the face.

Not once the Jew gets involved though.