Jews Looking Out for Themselves

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2013


The Jews are notorious for looking after their own while simultaneously disregarding the wellbeing of gentiles.  Two recent stories from Zionist occupied Palestine highlight this behavior.

The first story comes from the Jewish publication Israel Hayom, which reports that Israel’s strict border control policies are working remarkably well:

The month of August marked a milestone in Israel’s efforts to stem the tide of illegal African migrants entering the country. For the first time no infiltrations were recorded from the Egyptian border.

Security along the Egyptian border is so tight that not a single “infiltrator” was recorded for an entire month.  This shows that border security is easy to achieve when it is not being deliberately sabotaged by politicians, as it is in all Western nations.  In addition to preventing the influx of foreigners, Israel is also aggressively pursuing the repatriation of illegal immigrants:

“The figures point to a cessation of infiltration into Israel through the Egyptian border,” Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar said. “At the same time, we are progressing day by day to return illegal infiltrators to their countries of origin or to third-party countries. Each month there are fewer illegal infiltrators in Israel. With the advent of another exit avenue — a third country — the number of illegal infiltrators who leave voluntarily will increase.”

It was initially reported that Uganda would serve as the third-party country to absorb Israel’s African migrants, but on Friday a Ugandan Foreign Ministry spokesman denied the report, saying, “We’re not aware of any such deal. There’s no way Uganda would enter such an arrangement.”

Regardless of the identity of the third state, Weinstein said he was convinced that there was no legal impediment to the government following through with the agreed upon guidelines determined by Israeli envoy Hagai Hadas, tasked with secret contacts with an African country to take in economic migrants from Israel.

The Jews are not even taking care to return immigrants to their native lands, any foreign country will do.  One can only imagine the outcry from the Jewish press if a white country were to pursue such measures.

The second story deals with the distribution of gas masks due to the situation in Syria.   As reported by AFP:

Israel has been distributing gas masks to its citizens over the last two weeks amid fears of reprisals against the Jewish state, following anticipated US military intervention in neighbouring Syria.

“If there is any war in the region, the responsibility (for ensuring Palestinians civilians are prepared) falls upon Israel, because it is the occupying authority,” Palestinian Authority security services spokesman Adnan al-Dumayri told AFP on Tuesday.

“We are living under occupation, we have no sovereignty over our borders (in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip), and we can’t import gas masks,” Dumayri said.

Israelis last week scrambled to collect gas masks provided by the state, queueing up sometimes for hours at distribution centres — mostly post offices — across the country.

Palestinians living in the occupied territories have not received any such safety equipment.

Mass third-world immigration into white countries is literally killing us, and the Jews openly brag about their role in the process.  Our slow death is a cause of delight for the Jews, but they act swiftly and effectively in ejecting invaders from their own country.  They make a show of distributing gas masks to their own people, trying to gain sympathy for their plight, while the war that threatens to spill across their borders is one of their own making, and one that has already killed over 100,000 gentiles.  Once again the mendacity and ruthlessness so characteristic of the Jew is on full display.