Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016
The NY Daily News, owned and run by the Jewish supremacist Mort Zuckerman, has put the issue of “White supremacist” supporters of Donald Trump on the front page.
Specifically, they’ve focused on recent statements made by David Duke of the heroic actions of Donald Trump.
The New York Daily News is adding fire to its ongoing war of words with Donald Trump with a pointed front page targeting a troubling side to the GOP presidential candidate’s campaign: his Ku Klux Klan supporters.
The tabloid’s Friday cover features a photograph of a hooded Klansman and the words “TRUMP FOR PREZ.”
“Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke told [his] radio audience Thursday to vote for and volunteer for fellow hatemonger Donald Trump, adding they’ll meet people on campaign with ‘same kind of mindset,’” the front page reads.
White supremacist groups across the country have been working hard to mobilize racists to vote for Trump. Other than Duke’s radio announcement this week, a white supremacist organization called the American National Super PAC began circulating a robocall in support of the GOP frontrunner, urging voters: “Don’t vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump.”
This is approximately the six millionth time they’ve tried to smear Donald Trump by saying “but evil White people support him!”
So far, no one who would consider voting for Trump in the first place has cared about these smears.
But maybe the six millionth time is the charm.
Jew Mort Zuckerman is infuriated that the goyim know.