Jews of the National Review Still Plotting Against Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2016


These goyim just won’t stop with their Donald!

Following the South Carolina victory, the Jews of the National Review have released yet another editorial attacking Our Glorious Leader.

They are in full on panic mode, as the Jew Krauthammer has advised.

This time, they admit that no one really seems to care about “conservative ideology,” and decide that instead, Trump should be attacked over alleged business failures.

They write:

The race is hardly over. The crucial winner-take-all states don’t arrive until March 15. But it is foolish to believe that because Trump is winning a third of the vote, the remaining two-thirds of the voters are fixed in their opposition to him. Yes, there is more resistance to him in the party than there is to the typical front-runner. But Trump will be beaten only if he is taken down a notch or two, which will require a more concerted and wide-ranging counter-assault from the other candidates and outside groups than we’ve seen to this point.

Hard to imagine how that would even be possible. Everyone, everywhere, attacks him non-stop. But you people are still too stupid to grasp that this is all part of the plan, and was from the beginning.

I mean. Come on. I knew as soon as the Univision fiasco lit-up exactly what he was doing. It isn’t complicated. This guy’s got the British Parliament and now the Pope promoting him through Judo marketing.

He is like, a lot smarter than you Jews.

But please, NRO, tell us your master plan to win by attacking him.

The case against him must be broader than ideology. In particular, Trump’s spotty business record — something that he is very sensitive about — is a major vulnerability and might dent his populist appeal. Yet it hasn’t received the critical scrutiny it deserves. Trump has gained a reputation as a truth-teller in this race, but his history of exaggeration, duplicity, and backtracking is very long and very current. His opponents need to exploit it. He should be pounded on his refusal to release his tax returns, which one assumes he would be eager to do if they were the testament to his fabulous wealth that he asserts.

Yeah, pretty big wake-up call on the whole “ideology” thing, huh? Here you come out and say that Trump is a big government secret liberal and also the new Hitler somehow, and everyone is just like “wtf are you talking about?”

The publishing of the anti-Trump manifesto resulted in getting dropped by the RNC and banned from the debate, mass subscription cancellations, and getting hardcore mocked by everyone on the internet for being Jews and pro-Jew cucks.


The National Review’s “Against Trump” manifesto didn’t make sense to anyone, mostly because it was a mish-mash of whining, insults and contradictory nonsense, peppered with the words “ideology,” “principles” and “the Constitution.”

So now, yeah – I guess just say the guy with ten billion dollars is a bad businessman. Maybe that will work.

But I’d wager he’s probably foreseen such attacks, and is prepared.

I think the NRO editors probably should have read The Art of the Deal.
