Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2015

Jews are panicked!
How can they shut it down???
“It’s like we have a conference call every morning, and we ask, ‘What can we do to screw ourselves up today?’” said Fred Zeidman, a longtime fundraiser for Republican presidential candidates.
Zeidman’s exasperation pervades the Jewish Republican world: A party that has, in recent years, established a cozy relationship with Jewish conservatives seems to be careening — at least since the presidential race began.
Donald Trump, the billionaire reality show star, has lobbed rhetorical bombs at Hispanics, women and GOP rivals, and promised to deport 11 million illegal immigrants.
“This election is proving that nobody really knows anything, including me,” said Seth Mandel, the Op-Ed editor of the New York Post.
It’s a disorienting experience for longtime Republican Jewish donors and activists, who have made inroads into the party’s establishment over the last two decades, and who have been at the forefront of advocacy for tolerance and pluralism within the party.
Don’t know what’s going on, Jew???
Quick, mention the Holocaust!
Now, now, now!
“The tone of what they’re saying, we get painted as a party of intolerance,” said Zeidman, who practices law in the Houston area and backs Bush’s candidacy.
The anti-immigrant rhetoric especially infuriates Zeidman, a past chairman of the US Holocaust Memorial Council, who was driving near his home during his phone interview with JTA.
You wacky kikes and your stupid gay fake Holocaust!
My sides – every single time!
“I think half the people I’m looking at doing roadwork in 100-degree heat are not legal — and they are working their tuchus off,” he said.
Mandel said online that white supremacist backing for Trump — who has suggested immigrants from Mexico are predominantly criminals — has been unsettling. “That will always make Jews uncomfortable, that’s why there’s so much pushback” among some Jewish conservatives against the Trump candidacy.
Unsettled, Jew?
But some Jews still feel in charge, and believe they will be able to stop the Trump Train.
The feeling among Jewish Republicans reached by JTA was of chagrin — qualified by a belief that the party will right itself by the time primaries start early next year.
Mel Sembler, a Florida real estate magnate and a past financial chairman of the party, who backs Bush, said polls now showing outsiders in the lead mattered less than funds raised by candidates — and his candidate has raised over $100 million.
“What you have now is a popularity contest on TV and people pressing buttons, it’s all theater,” he said in an interview. “What’s important in the long run from my standpoint is who’s got the finances to sustain himself. Jeb Bush has raised $114 million and has $97 million in the bank. We’re here for the long haul.”
Wow, a Jew admitting openly to buying elections?
Saying that public opinion has no real effect on the outcome of elections in this glorious democracy of ours, and winning is based exclusively on Jewish money?
Who could have guessed it?
Certainly not the stupid goyim.
The question now, said Mandel, is what does this mean once primary season begins in earnest in January?
“The fear is not Donald Trump winning — it’s if he can maintain a segment of the base, if he can sit at 20 percent,” he said. “He has the money to fight, and wheel and deal all the way up to the convention.”
Please note this Jew just used the word “fear.”
The article goes on to give more direct statements about how Jews buy elections in America (this is why I read the Jewish news sites so much, btw):
The Republican Jewish Coalition’s board is a who’s who of the party’s most generous givers — most famously Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas casino magnate.
Adelson has yet to come out for a candidate, the conventional wisdom being that he waiting in order to avoid a repeat of 2012, when his bankrolling of long-shot Newt Gingrich ended up weakening the eventual nominee, Mitt Romney. But one of Adelson’s top allies, Mort Klein of the Zionist Organization of America, recently expressed concern over Trump’s behavior and lead in the polls.
“Trump is making many of us very nervous,” Klein told Talking Points Memo, speaking after Trump derided Carson’s skills as a physician. (Carson is a world-famous neurosurgeon.) “He doesn’t have the temperament to be president. I mean, really, to lash out at Carson as a talented doctor? You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
This blonde-haired goyim dared say something mean about a Magic Negro?
You can bet were going to spend billions of dollars shutting him down.