Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2015

Twitter has revised its rules of conduct to emphasize that it prohibits violent threats and abusive behavior by users, promising a tough stance at a time when critics are calling for the online service to adopt a harder line against extremists.
There ToS already stated that.
I got banned for satirizing Black claims that there was KKK on campus, under the idiotic pretext that this was “threatening.”
Before that, they banned Chuck Johnson for asking for $500 dollars to “take out” DeRay, claiming that he was soliciting an assassination. In actual fact, he was soliciting a hit piece.
This shows that they were already using the existing policy very liberally to shut down users they don’t like.
This is new policy is purely about expanding their ability to shut down people with politically incorrect views.
Just look who’s excited about it.
“The new rules are definitely an improvement,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Digital Terrorism and Hate Project at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. “But the question is: Will they be accompanied by a more proactive attitude toward making sure repeat offenders are identified and permanently removed?”
A Twitter spokesman declined comment Tuesday. In a blog post, the company said: “The updated language emphasizes that Twitter will not tolerate behavior intended to harass, intimidate, or use fear to silence another user’s voice. As always, we embrace and encourage diverse opinions and beliefs — but we will continue to take action on accounts that cross the line into abuse.”
The new policy says Twitter will suspend or shutter any user account that engages in “hateful conduct” or whose “primary purpose is inciting harm towards others.” The company previously said users could not promote or threaten violence and in April added a ban on “promotion of terrorism.”
Under “hateful conduct,” the new policy warns users: “You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.”
The new policy also explicitly bans “creating multiple accounts with overlapping uses” aimed at evading suspension of a single account. Critics say Twitter has previously made it too easy for extremists to create new accounts as soon as older ones are shut down.
I think we’re headed for a clampdown.
It may backfire. It may not. They’ve been talking about this for years now, so presumably they’ve planned it out pretty well.
Expect New Anonymous to be continued to be allowed to openly coordinate and brag about actual illegal activity (ddosing), while we are banned for supposedly hurting people’s feelings with words.
Comments on DS
Speaking of censorship, most of you are probably aware that we here at the Daily Stormer were banned from disqus, and that our one month grace period is coming to an end soon. We’ll be switching in the next couple of days.
The comments system will will be switching to will be similar to disqus. It will take some getting used to, of course. Don’t let it rustle your jimmies.