Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
November 7, 2014

Jews have made a complete mockery of broadcast television. Several years ago I made the decision to cancel my cable television service because the only thing I was using it for was to see what sort of insanity was being broadcast on the news networks. The Jews that control most of the major media and entertainment companies in America, are now broadcasting some of the most ridiculous and insane filth you can imagine. None of this stuff has any sort of redeeming artistic or cultural value.
A Jewess writer for the Hollywood Reporter named Lesley Goldberg wrote a report detailing some of the content that Jews are attempting to culturally enrich us with via the television. It includes content pertaining to anal sex, fisting, teen masturbation and other disgusting X-rated material.
This season, broadcast TV isn’t for the prudish. Nearly two months into the fall, it’s clear that explicit jokes and boundary-pushing storylines are changing the definition of what sexual content is acceptable in primetime. Out are love triangles and awkward dates. In are jokes about anal sex, “fisting” and teen masturbation that Parents Television Council president Tim Winter says are “absolutely inappropriate for primetime broadcast television.”
Fox’s New Girl season premiere featured Zooey Deschanel repeatedly muttering “sex fist!” as an expression for the roommates’ quest to hook up at a wedding. Multiple fisting jokes followed — as did episodes where the gang got stoned and Deschanel dated a guy with amicropenis. “We got away with murder,” exec producer Brett Baer told THR after the premiere. “We’ve given broadcast standards a run for their money.” Over on Fox’s The Mindy Project, nearly an entire episode focused on Mindy Kaling and Chris Messina debating whether he “slipped” and attempted to, ahem, go in the back door. That led to discussions of sexual positions, including the “necktie,” “ascot” and “bagpipe.”
Notice how proud this executive producer Brett Baer is of how much they were able to get away with. Baer is a Jewish surname so it should leave no doubt as to why he is so giddy about all the disgusting crap they are broadcasting on primetime television.
These Jews that run the big media and entertainment companies need to be dealt with. They should be arrested and sent to FEMA camps. Every Jew run media and entertainment company should be dismantled or restructured.
Even though I dislike the idea of FEMA camps due to the fact that the government has not been transparent about their purposes, I believe these camps could be of some use after we gain power. We can use them to process large amounts of Jews to determine if they should be deported or if they should be imprisoned due to high crimes that they have committed against our culture.