“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” –Joseph Goebbel
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2013

The English-language Israeli daily, the Jerusalem Post, one of the top outlets through which the Jewish establishment communicates with the whole of Jewry in a largely unfiltered way, today published some reflections on the events which have taken place in Greece over the last week, extending the commentary to the larger issue of Jewry’s presently precarious position in Europe.
Examining the content of this editorial, we may be able to get a glimpse into the collective mind of the Jewish people, observing how they themselves are processing the situation on the ground.
After describing last week’s events in Greece, and noting AJC director David Harris’ commentary on them, the article states:
The rise of Golden Dawn has set off alarm bells in Europe about the power of the far Right amid the economic crisis and controversy over immigration.
This is most assuredly the case, though we should note that these ‘alarm bells’ are being set off in a very specific quarter of society – that of the Jews and their criminal capitalist cohorts.
I will once again point out that it should not have been difficult for anyone to predict that the natural response of the common man to a new form of social crisis – which both the economic collapse and the immigrant invasion, along with the larger social collapse relating to a sharp rise in sexual degeneracy and malfunctioning family relations, represent – is to retreat to the safety of collectivism and traditionalism, or what the Jews like to refer to as the “far Right.” However, it seems that this response was either not foreseen by Jewish power, or simply severely underestimated, as they are now frantically scurrying to deal with it in what appears to be a totally unorganized fashion.
After a bit of confirmation that yes, these people are definitely antisemites, using a nationalist, traditionalist platform to organize the country against international Jewish influence, the article gets to the heart of the matter at hand:
The government may, however, face hurdles in its case against the legislators. It has already released three of the lawmakers who were arrested. It will be difficult to prosecute the others based on an attempt to link them to violent acts by supporters. Also there is concern that arresting members of parliament may constitute political suppression, more than a grappling with the racist acts of the party’s supporters.
A leading Greek newspaper, Kathimerini, which tends to support the moderate Right, noted, “The prosecution of opposition parties almost invariably represents an abuse of power for political ends, damaging the rule of law….
[…]If the arrests backfire and galvanize support for the party that depicts itself as being victimized, the result could be the opposite of what was intended.
Oy vey! Guess maybe we should have thought that through a little better, huh Shlomo?
This is not a situation of ‘if the arrests backfire’ – we are a week into this thing, and the arrests already have backfired. The backfire began as soon as the smiling lawmakers were paraded across the television in handcuffs on the morning of the arrests. The people of Greece were so disgusted by the blatant, illegal abuse of power in the attempted political suppression of the opposition by the Jewish-backed Samaras regime that the government had to backtrack almost immediately, releasing the majority of the men they had attempted to claim were too dangerous to be free to cheering crowds.
You screwed-up bad, Jews. What are you going to do now? Retreat to your Mideast fortress and start launching nukes?
The article continues:
The alarm bells set off by the rise of Golden Dawn are similar to those sounded over the rise of the radical Right in Hungary and elsewhere in Europe. These parties combine anti-Semitism with anti-immigrant racism.
This raises two important issues. First, it means there is a common ground for Jews to work with other minorities in Europe on the issue. This can be especially useful in places where immigrant groups, particularly Muslims, are being infiltrated by clerics who preach hate against Jews.
Translation: we have to stop these White Europeans before they rise up and destroy us completely. The best way to do that is by allying with the Muslim hordes who we’ve allowed to invade the European continent, by supporting them in their war against the indigenous population. This will also help us in our relationship with the Muslims, who also tend to hate us.
And the second issue these alarm bells sounded by the rise of the radical right raise?
You guessed it: the Jewish right to mutilate babies’ penises.
Another concern is the political attack on circumcision, as manifested in the Council of Europe declaring that it violates the integrity of children and that states should “initiate a public debate, including intercultural and interreligious dialogue, aimed at reaching a large consensus on the rights of children to protection against violations of their physical integrity according to human rights standards.”
It seems that beyond people trying to deport them en masse from the European continent, the biggest fear Jews have is that someone will tell them they can’t mutilate the penises of infants, and that the two issues are somehow inseparable in their deviant minds. How interesting.
The closing paragraph confirms that they make no distinction between the behavior of any gentile they view as threatening the Jewish collective:
The arrests of Golden Dawn members cannot be separated from the overall concern about anti-Jewish actions in Europe. Golden Dawn is a highly visible, nasty party, but the larger context is anti-Semitism that manifests itself not only on the Right, but also among the extreme Left and Islamists and in less pernicious but equally disturbing calls to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter.
The world is against them, it seems. How awful that must feel, especially while knowing you have never, ever done anything wrong to anyone, and are simply hated for your success. These Europeans hate you so much, they not only oppose your right to exercise an unaccountable, cryptocratic dictatorship over their entire society, they even want to stop you from mutilating the genitals of babies and torturing animals.
The reason that the Jews compare the Golden Dawn’s rise to the attempted bans on circumcision and ritualistic animal sacrifice, in fact lumping them together as one and the same threat, is that both target them not as generalized criminals and sadists, but as Jews. The Jew does not care if people go on and on about the corruptions of “bankers” and “capitalists” or talk generally about the rights of children or animals – they care when they are specifically targeted based on aspects of their collective racial identity.
The Golden Dawn does not talk vaguely about international finance, they name the Jew as the driving factor in the international banking conspiracy. Circumcision and ritual slaughter are not generalized child and animal rights abuses, they are Jewish child and animal rights abuses.
The core strategy of the Jewish parasite in ruling Western society is to obfuscate its nature, to pretend as though it does not exist as a collective, and is in fact simply a group of individuals, acting on individual impulses. When they are called out as a collective, with collective behavior patterns, the masses then begin to view them as an ‘other,’ which they need to be protected from.
Increasingly, the chaos in our society is causing a return to an atavistic collectivist mindset, and the White European people are beginning to open their eyes and see the Jew for the alien that he is. Eventually, we will reach a point where it becomes clear to the masses that there is a cause of all of this suffering, and at that point, the Jew will have nowhere to hide. In the attempt to put off the inevitable, the Jews are becoming ever more erratic in their attempts at self-preservation, and in doing so, showing their hand and bringing the roof down on their heads ever more rapidly.