Jews Say 34% of Hungarians Know the They are Behind the Country’s Economic Woes

Daily Stormer
March 28, 2014

Their behavior doesn’t change, their very genes themselves cause them to conspire. There is no other explanation for it, since it goes on in every country, at every level and in every time they can be traced to.

From an all-time peak in 2010 with 22% of Hungary’s population being actively critical of Jews and another 22% being aware of Jewish subversion, but too oppressed by them to do anything about it, the figures have supposedly dropped in 2013 to only 17% actively resisting the Jewish occupation of Hungary.  Maybe this is due to the economy straightening out a bit, or maybe the Jews just make these numbers up in their heads.

However, even according to the Jews themselves, a good 34% agreed that there are Jews conspiring together to control political and economic processes and 27% agree that they have far too much influence in Hungary. That means 1 in 4 people in Hungary are Jew-wise and that is an impressive number. If we had figures like that in Britain and the US our task would be much easier.

Please note that it is also sometimes the case that Jews skew the numbers the other way – making the people seem more Antisemitic than they actually are – though this appears to happen more in Western countries.  In the US, for instance, Abe Foxman says you are an Antisemite if you agree that “Hollywood does not share the values of the average American.”

They can benefit either way – by claiming the numbers are higher or lower – but as there is a much higher percentage of Antisemitism in Eastern Europe, they tend to want to play it down over there. I would suspect something closer to 50% of Hungarians hate the Jews.

‘Active’ Hungarian Anti-Semites protest the Jewish World Congress being held in Hungary’s capital city.

From Israel National News:

A survey carried out by TEV, the umbrella organization for combating anti-Semitism in Hungary, points to a slight decrease in the level of anti-Semitism in the country, even as the right-wing party Jobbik gains strength in Hungary. TEV includes representatives of all parts of the country’s Jewish population.

In the survey, Hungarians were asked about their attitudes toward the country’s Jews. The results were presented in a comprehensive study that analyzed the results based on various social cross-sections.

The organization noted that the anti-Semitic wave was at its peak in 2010. At that time, 22% of Hungary’s population was identified as actively anti-Semitic, and another 22% were identified as supporting anti-Semitic principles and harboring prejudice against Jews.

In 2013, 17% of the populace were identified as actively anti-Semitism and 23% as “moderately anti-Semitic.”

TEV noted that the percentage of “moderate” anti-Semites has not changed, and that more than one third of the population still holds some kind of anti-Semitic views.

Among the questions asked was “Do Jews have too much influence in Hungary today?” – to which 27% responded positively. A full 34% agreed that there is “a secret Jewish conspiracy behind political and economic processes.”

The survey results were presented at a conference of the Center of European Rabbis and the Federation of Jewish Organizations in the EU, which is taking place in Budapest.