Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Top Jew politician and criminal Sheldon Silver was arrested Thursday for ceaselessly Jewing over absolutely everyone.
The New York Assembly Speaker and an entire criminal Jew political/financial network are expected to fall completely. And at least the Jewish press is openly admitting that this is a completely Jew issue. How long until the goyim figure it out?
Silver was a member of a tight-knit coterie of Jewish political operators who came up together in the co-op developments on Grand Street. Many had working class roots, belonged to the Bialystoker Synagogue on Willett Street, and developed power together through the same few Jewish institutions.
Now, that Lower East Side crew is falling to pieces. William Rapfogel, Silver’s close ally, is in state prison after pleading guilty to embezzling millions as executive director of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty. Silver was a key benefactor of the Met Council, and William Rapfogel’s wife Judy is Silver’s chief of staff. Heshy Jacob, the traditional third member of Rapfogel and Silver’s Lower East Side power troika, was traveling in Israel and said he was unaware of Silver’s arrest when reached via telephone.
Speaking about the roles he, Rapfogel and Silver played on the Lower East Side in an interview with the Forward in 2013, Jacob was forthright about the old guard’s power: ““We put in time and effort for the people,” Jacob said at the time. “It’s not that we simply are despots.”
That power is now evaporating, as is the influence it wielded in Albany.
According to a New York Times report, the U.S. Attorney’s charges against Silver will relate to payments from a law firm called Goldberg & Iryami that specializes in tax certioari. Jay Arthur Goldberg, who leads the firm, grew up on the Lower East Side with Silver. His firm represents the Grand Street co-op buildings where Silver and Rapfogel lived. Some of those buildings are managed by Jacob.
If we combine this with the developing Jew Epstein teen sex jet scandal and the fact that Netanyahu is literally at the throat of the US President who for whatever reason he is unable to command, plus the impending charges for war crimes, 2015 is shaping up to be a horrible year for the international parasite.
And that is good for the Whites.