Jews Say Twitter the Number One Hotspot for Jew-Haters

Daily Stormer
May 16, 2014

The Jews have a plan to out-tweet you.  You cannot stop them.
The Jews have a plan to out-tweet you. You cannot stop them.

The Jews have done yet another study on why hates them, and come to the conclusion that Twitter is the number one hotspot for their enemies.

Shalom Life:

A study on digital hate and intolerance by the Simon Wiesenthal Center determined that twitter is the “weapon of choice” for anti-Semitism and hate speech on the internet and social media in general.

The center for racism in America and the history of the Holocaust found that hate speech has increased by 30% in the past year on over 30,000 web sites online.

The study commended those top social media sites for removing hate speech and is determined to see if the trends of hate speech will increase or decrease in the coming years.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the assistant dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center stated, “If the world is going to effectively deal with the growing threat from lone wolf terrorists, the leading social media companies, including Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter must do more.”

According to the report, Twitter received the worst review by a D grade, and according to Cooper, Twitter has had no interest in dealing with its online hate speech and even terrorist threats. “Twitter hasn’t shown us they have an institutional grasp or commitment of the issue, and that needs to change.”

Once again, the study did not bother to ask why so many people hate them so much, instead simply assuming that no reason exists.