Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2014

The Jews will stop at nothing in their attempts to destroy the online reputation of the heroic Skinhead Militia leader and psychopathic mass murderer “Zyklon” Ben Garrison.
They are now attempting to solicit shekels from the goyim by using Ben’s name attached to a legal plan to destroy free speech on the internet.
A gofundme page has been set up, wherein the character of “Ben Garrison,” who shares the name and likeness of the real Ben but is in fact a fiction created by Jews, is demanding people give him shekels so he can hunt people down on the internet and take away their freedom of speech.
The libellous hoax reads:
Internet trolls have been attacking cartoonist Ben Garrison since 2009. Their goal is to ‘turn’ him into a white supremacist Nazi, thus ruining his reputation and business. They’ve stolen all of his copyrighted cartoons and defaced them into anti-Semitic and racist hate images, which they spread on social media. Trolls have attacked Ben’s wife, Tina, and their son. Even Ben’s fine art paintings have been photoshopped into hate memes.
In 2014 alone, trolls have created 10 Facebook impersonation pages. These pages featured defaced Ben Garrison cartoons, Ben placed into Nazi uniforms and quotes of hate attributed to Ben. It takes time and effort to remove libel. Sites such as 4chan and Reddit refuse to remove libel against Ben.
Ben and Tina started GrrrGraphics in 2010. Their site speaks out against tyranny. Ben’s cartoons lambast Republicans and Democrats, the corrupt financial system and the growing police state. Almost immediately, Internet trolls began attacking him. Nazi sites began posting cartoons defaced into anti-Semitism. Trolls on 4chan began promoting “Zyklon Ben,” a vile meme that claims Ben is a racist Nazi murderer. Five years later, they’re still promoting that meme to crowd out Ben’s real work.
Ignoring the trolls didn’t work, so Ben decided to put together a legal team. A cyber investigator tracked down a few of the main ringleaders. Ben has amassed a great deal of evidence, but justice is expensive. Ben wants to clear his name and hold the perpetrators accountable. Trolls and cyberbullies are abusing free speech, which could prompt government to step in and end anonymous free speech for all of us on the Internet.
Please help us prevent that by sending a message to the trolls and their enablers that their actions can have consequences.
Ben is currently working on an ebook to help clear his name. Any questions or inquiries can be sent to Ben’s attorney Brian Muldoon, Whitefish Montana.
The page was set up mocking a real page set-up by the real Ben Garrison, wherein he was soliciting donations to build gas chambers to use against Jews and their enablers. The real page was taken down, while the libellous one remains active.
The original read:
Internet kikes have been attacking cartoonist and Skinhead Militia leader Ben Garrison since 2009. Their goal is to ‘turn’ him into a Libertarian trying to crush free speech, thus ruining his reputation and business. They’ve stolen all of his copyrighted cartoons and defaced them into libertarian and anti-racist faggot images, which they spread on social media. Jews have attacked Ben’s pure Aryan wife, Tina, and their blue-eyed son. Even Ben’s fine art paintings have been photoshopped into kike memes.
In 2014 alone, kikes have created 10 Facebook impersonation pages. These pages featured defaced Ben Garrison cartoons, Ben placed into rabbinical uniforms and quotes of libertarianism attributed to Ben. It takes time and effort to stop these kikes. Sites such as OHPI and refuse to remove libel against Ben.
Ben and Tina started GrrrGraphics in 2010. Their site speaks out against kikery. Ben’s cartoons lambast Jew Republicans and Jew Democrats, the corrupt Jew financial system and the growing Jew police state. Almost immediately, Internet kikes began attacking him. Jewish Libertarian sites began posting cartoons defaced into pro-Ron Paul propaganda. Kikes on OHPI began promoting “Shekels Ben,” a vile meme that claims Ben is an anti-free speech libertarian kike-lover. Five years later, they’re still promoting that meme to crowd out Ben’s real racist work.
Ignoring the kikes didn’t work, so Ben decided to put together a gas chamber. A cyber investigator tracked down a few of the kike masterminds. Ben has amassed a great deal of Zyklon B, but gas chambers are expensive. Ben wants to gas the kikes and start a race war. Kikes and nigger-lovers are abusing the White race, which could prompt the Israeli government to ship in millions more niggers.
Please help us prevent that by sending a message to the kikes and their enablers that their actions can result in extermination.
Ben is currently working on building a death camp to slaughter Jews. Any questions or inquiries can be sent to Ben’s chemist Brian Muldoon, Whitefish Montana.
No man alive has done more for the cause of liberating the White race from it’s oppressed state than Ben Garrison, and it turns my stomach to see these filthy Jews trying to destroy him in this way.
I haven’t been able to contact Ben, no one is sure where he is, following this summers homicidal bombings which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jews, homosexuals and other minorities. His attempt to set up a gofundme page to help him build gas chambers let us know he was still alive though, and I am certain he is still on his way to Israel, where he plans to detonate nuclear weapons and exterminate the six million Jews living there.
We will keep you in the loop if we hear anything else.

Note: This satirical article is protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.