Jews Simply Outraged Evil Anti-Semites Celebrate Ann Coulter’s Statements Against Them

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2015

The liberal-Jew interwebs is shocked – shocked, I tell you – that “White supremacists” and “Anti-Semites” have rallied behind Ann “Kikes Back to Jewistan” Coulter.

The Daily Beast simply cannot believe it.

Anti-Semites Flock to Ann Coulter’s Side - The Daily Beast 2015-09-18 21-38-48

Alarming! Yes, kike, you should be alarmed!

This shoah is just getting started!

Vocativ (a crappy Daily Beast/Guardian rip-off that is even worse than Salon) was also outraged.

White Supremacists Back Ann Coulter's Comments About GOP Candidates - Vocativ 2015-09-18 21-41-59

Hail to Queen Ann “Crush the kikes like a tin can” Coulter – defender of the White European Race!