Jews Threaten to Sue University if They Don’t Denounce Mean Internet Posts

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 18, 2016

this hook-nosed son of a bitch is shutting down trolls jew

If the goyim do not respect the chosen ones of Israel, they shall pay the ultimate price.

College Fix:

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK) has tried to play down years of incendiary comments by members and leaders of campus Muslim organizations that were recently brought to light, citing their right to free expression.

But it may have to respond more forcefully if a Jewish civil rights group, led by a former civil rights chief at the Department of Education, follows through on its suggestion that UTK’s federal funding is at risk for tacitly enabling a “hostile environment” against Jewish students.

UTK “should look upon the situation as a teachable moment and … act as educators to remind their community about their shared values,” Kenneth Marcus, president of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, told The College Fix in an email Monday.

I don’t even know who this kike is, but he’s gunning for us as well as the hajis.

One of the biggest problems with the kikes is that they come at you.

“[W]e are litigators,” and though a lawsuit isn’t the group’s first choice of action, it’s “always a possibility” should the university not take steps to quell anti-Semitism on campus, Marcus said.

‘Within their constitutional rights’

Canary Mission, a secretive watchdog group that compiles dossiers on students and academics it accuses of anti-Semitism, claimed in two releases earlier this month that it found dozens of problematic social media posts by current and former members of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at UTK.

Some of those posts incited or personally threatened violence, it has claimed.

In response to the administration’s subsequent denials that the campus is infested with rampant anti-Semitism, Canary Mission and Jewish campus groups doubled down, demanding stronger denunciations of the “cesspool” created by the Muslim student groups.

Canary Mission told The Algemeiner Aug. 4 it found a “disturbing trend” of anti-Semitic behavior reflected in social media posts by SJP and MSA members, naming six in particular.

The administration initially responded that the watchdog group, which declines to identify its membership, had overstated campus hostilities toward Jewish students.

It told WATE Aug. 9 that the administration “does not condone” the alleged anti-Semitic statements – seven posts over five years – but believed that the current and former students “were within their constitutional rights to post their personal viewpoints,” and they were not “made on behalf of any of our student organizations.”

The administration added that the campus chapter of Hillel, a Jewish student organization, and SJP both believe the report “far exaggerates the climate on our campus.” The campus president of Hillel has not responded to Fix inquiries.

UTK’s denial of a hostile atmosphere for campus Jews spurred a riposte from Canary Mission, which told The Algemeiner that it had actually identified “97 highly racist, bigoted, antisemitic or threatening posts” on social media originating from 21 people associated with MSA and SJP on campus. “You can be sure that there are more we did not find,” it added.

Canary Mission broke down social media posts it deemed offending, with more than half simply anti-Semitic or consisting of praise for Adolf Hitler. Other offenses included inciting and threatening violence, racism, homophobia and endorsing terrorism and terrorist organizations.

Here’s their pie chart, which is lol.


I guess if the Jews didn’t want to be hunted by Moslems, they shouldn’t have brought all of these Moslems to America.

It wasn’t like they weren’t aware that Moslems hate the Jews.