Jews Try to Ban Rabbi Who Says Jews Deserved Holocaust Because They Weren’t Racist Enough

Diversity Macht Frei
September 7, 2016

I wrote about this guy last year (link), Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. He’s an interesting character, in the news again because he’s planning on coming to Britain. Jews are trying to get the Home Secretary to ban him, just like they routinely get “racists”, “antisemites” and “Islamophobes” banned. Helps to show consistency, you see. Plus, he might reveal a bit too much about what lurks at the heart of Judaism: an obsession with racial purity.

Mizrachi claims that Jews deserved to suffer the Holocaust because they failed to maintain their racial purity by marrying only other Jews. In other words, Jews were punished for not being racist enough.

Daniel Jonas, who started the petition, wrote: “The signatories of this petition condemn his views and, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, stand in solidarity with the Jewish community in its efforts to distance itself from extremism and condemn racism, ignorant bigotry and intolerance in whatever form it presents itself.”


If you can withstand the craziness, watch this video from 1:00.58 to about 1:15:00 as he explains why Jews should let goy die if they have to break their Sabbath to save them, but it’s OK to break the Sabbath to save another Jew, even a non-religious Jew.

“We have a rule that when the life of a Jew is in a risk, we are allowed to break Shabbat to save his life. But if a life of a goy is in a risk, we’re not allowed to break Shabbat to save his life.”

The petition to ban him is here (link). It has an interesting list of charges against him.

A. That Downs Syndrome children and those with autism are being punished for their sins in a previous life for gossiping, “measure for measure” and are here to suffer.
B. That due to not being correctly religious, secular Jewish women acted without concern for their modesty at the gas chambers during the Holocaust.
C. Engaging in a [racist] form of Holocaust denial by challenging the Jewish status of five million souls who perished.
D. That Sephardic Jews were spared much of the Holocaust because Reform started in Germany, a demonstrably false claim in view of the decimation of the Sephardic population of the Balkans.
E. That children who are born with blindness are being punished for watching pornography in previous lives.
F. That women contract breast and cervix cancers as a result of sexual licentiousness.
G. That men contract prostate and brain cancers as a result of sexual licentiousness and what he calls “dirty thoughts”.
H. The racist accusation that crime has increased in America as the result of the emancipation of African-Americans.
I. That homosexuals are being punished for having chosen to be gay in a previous life.
J. That people cease to be religious because they are influenced by gay university professors.
K. That totalitarian laws should be imposed as a result of terrorism.
L. That the problem with the European far right is not their views, but that they detest Jews as well as Muslims. 
M. The racist view that all Chinese people look the same.t