Jews Unsatisfied with Twitter Purge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2017

Nigga we still on the job.

Jews have been left with blue balls after the highly anticipated December 18th purge of conservative and right-wing accounts.

Many Hebrews and Hebrew allies on the site are complaining loudly that not enough people have been banned for their wrongthink.

Although a few high profile rightist accounts were banned, including that of Britain First and American Renaissance, most of the more hated accounts still remain.

Along with major figures remaining, the entire team of anonymous Groypers appears to have remained untouched.

It wasn’t just Jews pointing out the weirdness of it.

In fact, on the day he was supposed to be purged, Richard Spencer succeeded in bullying Ta-Nahisi Coates off the site.

Clearly, the Jews who demanded this purge are not going to be satisfied with this. What they had expected – and what I had expected, to be frank – was that they had a prepared list of accounts they were going to ban and they would just push a button and they would all be gone in a flash.

Apparently what they will do is just slowly pick people off over a period of time. This obviously indicates that they want the business of “Nazis,” and are just hoping that they simmer down a little bit and come closer to conforming to the new rules to avoid a ban; this is something which I would think would upset the Jews.

They have already made a commitment to ban everyone who disagrees with the mainstream, so there is no way out of it now. They made a promise to Globo-Judeo.

Slippery Sloped

There is no way to make this work.

@jack should have never banned Chuck Johnson, Andrew Anglin and MILO. That is what started all of this. He got bullied into banning a handful of people, then the ADL/SPLC Jewish terror machine showed up and said “so you’ll ban them, but you won’t ban the rest of these evil wrongthinkers????”

When you lose the high-ground of “it’s free speech,” there is no point at which you can draw a line between what is okay and what isn’t okay.

This is why it was so brilliant for Matthew Prince of Cloudflare to ban me and then say “now I’ve got 35,000 requests to ban people, and it isn’t my job to decide which ones are valid.”

And yes, I am aware that Twitter stock went up yesterday.

I would put forward that this is just because Jews believe their own bullshit.

Also, there is now a supposed chance @jack will be able to sell the site, which would briefly give it a stock boost.

But ultimately, censorship is not sustainable on a major internet platform because of the slippery slope. Me and my team already have hundreds of fake liberal accounts set up that are going to demand all sorts of people be banned. After the Alt-Right purge is finished, we’re going to stir up demands the Alt-Lite be banished, then we’re going to call for mainstream boomercons to be banished.

What Twitter should have done is allow the ADL to create a “hate list” of wrongthinking accounts and give people who are afraid of ideas that conflict with their sanitized fake reality to voluntarily sign-up for an ADL blocking list. That would have put the Jews in a position where they would have to openly say “we aren’t just trying to stop supposed harassment, we are literally trying to control what people are allowed to think,” which would be difficult for them.

I am confident that Twitter is going to collapse because of this censorship program, and I am confident that when Silicon Valley sees this collapse, they are going to begin supporting laws which would force them to honor the First Amendment.