The Virgin Mary – Queen of Palestine, on the roof of the Monastery at Deir a-Rafat, Israel.
If Christianity is all about worshipping the Jew, as some people claim, then why is it that the Jews in Israel regularly vandalise Christian monasteries and Churches?
This week, the latest Christian building to be vandalised by them is Deir Rafat Monastery.
The article below chooses only to draw attention to the ‘price-tag’ aspect of the vandalism and not the insults against Christ and his mother. I guess we are supposed to think that they were just ‘random’ insults and not drawn straight from the pages of the Talmud, which apart from constantly insulting Christ and his mother, says that all White people are animals.
A Catholic monastery near Beit Shemesh was vandalized with anti-American and anti-Christian epithets.
“America is Nazi Germany” and “Price Tag — Peace Agreement,” as well as “Jesus is a monkey” and “Mary is a cow,” were spray painted on the walls of the monastery. The tires of four vehicles also were slashed.
The monastery is located in Deir a-Rafat village located close to Kibbutz Tzora near Beit Shemesh.
The vandalism was discovered by monks on Tuesday morning; Jerusalem police are investigating.
Price tag refers to the strategy adopted by extremist settlers and their supporters generally to exact retribution for settlement freezes and demolitions or Palestinian attacks on Jews.
Other monasteries in the area have been victims of suspected price tag attacks in the past.
Other instances of Anti-Christ vandalism by Jews.
Desecration of Christian graves.Jews are instructed by the Talmud to destroy the property of Christians and attack them, wherever it is safe to do so.Calling Christ a monkey is a common theme to the vandalism and has even made its way onto Israeli television, showing Christ as a monkey on a cross.Why is this never mentioned by the Pope?