Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2014

A Washington Post op-ed by Jewess Stosh Cotler gives great insight into the methods Jews use in destablizing White societies.
Coltler, who is the head of a Jew organization called “Bend the Arc,” which lobbies for “social justice” – a catch-all term for the liberal program of mass invasion by non-Whites, homosexualism, feminism and the displacement of White people – claims that the Brown shooting, as well as the response to the riots, are a result of racism.
There is a warzone in America’s heartland. Most of us are far from the armored police vehicles rolling down the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. But the battle there is being fought all over this country, and just because it is not the Jewish community under immediate attack doesn’t mean that we, as people of faith, don’t have a moral responsibility to stand with the residents of Ferguson. Indeed, all communities of faith have an obligation to speak up when we see injustices perpetrated against our fellow citizens.
Let’s start with the hard truths. The police action in Ferguson is not about protecting small business owners from petty theft. It’s not about quelling chaos or keeping order. It’s about racism. It’s about the fact that, as a country, we have never truly grappled with the lasting effects of slavery and the multiple iterations of Jim Crow. As Ta-Nehisi Coates eloquently explains this in his recent article in The Atlantic, “What came before this was a long bloody war—enslavement—against black families, black communities and black bodies. What came after was a terrorist regime which ruled an entire swath of this country by fire and rope. That regime was not overthrown until an era well within the living memory of many Americans.”
Simply put, there is an undeniable connection between the deep, unhealed scars of slavery and the fact that no one called an ambulance as Michael Brown lay dying in the street. It is the blasphemous and offensive philosophy that says some wounds matter more than others, and some wounds are best left ignored.
She goes on to explain why Judaism is specifically prone to assisting Black people and protecting them from White racists.
This piece was published on August 26th. Right now, the facts are pretty well in.

Brown, a gangster rapper and criminal, was shot to death because he attacked a cop and tried to grab his gun when he was confronted by the officer for committing a crime we have a video of him committing ten minutes earlier. It was an act of self-defense, period. The idea that this was some sort of racist conspiracy is absolute lunacy.

After the shooting, the Blacks began rioting, and haven’t stopped yet. They have looted and burned everything. It was an absolutely out of control situation, and it was only of pure necessity that cops were sent in.
But this filthy Jewess wants the goyim to believe that shooting a gigantic Black in self-defense when he rushes and attacks you racist. She wants you to believe that if Blacks riot and loot and burn things, police trying to deal with the situation is racist.
Noting the chutzpuh it takes to actually make these sorts of statements, we might ask why it is that Jews, as a collective, are focused on pushing such obvious lies on the people. The clear answer is that they are biologically driven to create chaos in society, and Blacks are the perfect weapon to use against the White Man.
Through a complete distortion of reality, Jews are able to make our victimizers – the Blacks – into victims, while we Whites, who exist under a constant assault from the Black race, are the evil oppressors. This works because European society is geared toward altruism, and wants to be fair with people. When we are told we are not being fair, we want to fix things. If the Jew is able to get us to believe the Blacks are oppressed victims, we are then willing to hand over our society to them.
The good news is, even with the entire Jew media claiming that this Brown shooting was an act of evil racism, that attempting to stop Blacks from rioting, looting and burning everything is an equally evil act, the people are seeing the reality. Blacks are completely out of control, and they represent a clear and present danger to our people. As they attack cops and riot, the idea that they are the victims becomes ridiculous, no matter what the Jew media says.
Ferguson is a game-changer. Nothing will be the same after this. We are fed up with being the forever-victim of the Black people, and it is only a matter of time before we see the hooked-nose behind this situation.