Jews Worried That the Fact the Entire Ukrainian Government is Jewish Could Lead to Pogroms

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2019

The New York Times is the number one place where the Jews discuss their internal squabbles.

And there is squabbling about the fact that both the President and Prime Minister of the Ukraine are Jews, and whether or not this is going to lead to pogroms.

New York Times:

When Volodymyr Zelensky, the Jewish comedian recently elected the president of Ukraine, announced that he was running, the chief rabbi for the eastern Ukrainian region where Mr. Zelensky grew up was shocked by the hostile reaction.

But the opposition, Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki said, did not come from the Orthodox Church, a bastion of anti-Semitism in the past, or from a Ukrainian nationalist movement that collaborated with the Nazis during Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union. They could not seem to care less that Mr. Zelensky was a Jew, the rabbi recalled.

Instead, the hostility came from Mr. Zelensky’s fellow Jews, both secular and religious, for whom painful memories of czarist-era pogroms and the Holocaust are still very much alive.

“They said, ‘He should not run because we will have pogroms here again in two years if things go wrong,’” said Rabbi Kaminezki, the chief rabbi in Dnipro, the capital of Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk region.

Despite its scarred history, Ukraine today is no hotbed of anti-Semitism. It already has a Jewish prime minister, Volodymyr Groysman, and if he stays on after Mr. Zelensky is sworn in, Ukraine will be the only country outside of Israel where the heads of state and government are Jewish.

I wouldn’t worry too much, Jews.

If was the Russians who did pogroms against you in the Ukraine.

The Ukrainian peasants now in charge of the country absolutely love you and are thrilled to have you ruling over them.

If you fuck them, as you surely will, they will take it with a smile on their faces, just like they smiled when you threw a revolution in their country and stole all their wealth a few years ago.

As a prominent anti-Semite, my advice is: just relax. You will never be more at home in any country than in the Ukraine, where the people love to be bent over and fucked by Jews.