Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2015

I’m a little bit more surprised that liberals have dealt with the Rachel Dolezal story so critically. I would have thought they would have opted to support her #Transracial nature. After all, the poor woman was born in the wrong skin. She couldn’t help it.
Their approach seems to be an attack on Bruce Jenner who was also born with wrong organs (yes, the skin is an organ).
While most liberal blogs were calling the woman out for hoaxing, Jezebel, however, did praise her for getting the hair right. It’s the same thing they said about Bruce’s tits.
The Negress Kara Brown writes:
Of the many pressing questions raised by the Rachel Dolezal circus that was wrapped in a trainwreck and dipped in a forest fire, one of the things that stands out most for me is: How did she get her hair so on point?
Black people come in all shades, but clearly Rachel knew: Those spray tans would not be enough. The hair—she had to nail the hair—and boy did she. This is not to say that all black people have the exact same hair texture. However, it would be a lie to say that hair texture doesn’t play a role in determining a person’s background.
The hair was crucial here in large part because Rachel Dolezal was trying to pass as a black person with light skin. If she had kept her hair like this and just waved her Africana Studies curriculum around, people weren’t gonna buy that.
She included some great pictures of the helpless victim of nature.

The Jezebel Negress closes with this:
Look, I can be mad at Rachel Dolezal about a lot of things, but I can’t be mad about her hair game. Rachel, girl, YOU DID THAT.
SJWs really should have worked out how they would respond to this situation before hand. It was bound to happen.