Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2015

Shockingly, even Jezebel’s comments section was shocked, confused and outraged by the Chink-Jew (Jenk?) releasing a porno and claiming it was an art performance meant to show that everyone in the world raped her at once (or whatever).
Has Emma Sulkowicz bitten the hand the feeds?
Almost all of the comments are along these lines.
Honestly, I’m a bit shocked by this. All of this feminist “performance art” crap is just emperor has no clothes meaningless gibberish, but they’ve been high-fiving each other over it for decades now.
So why are they now angered, turning against one of their own?
I could understand if she was attractive and really sexy in the video, because feminists generally hate attractive women. But she is disgustingly fat and has a horrible deformed shape.
So what gives, ladies? Why you turning your backs on your champion?
Is your nonsensical “ideology” finally collapsing in on itself?
If you need a shoulder to cry on – cry on each others. Or just kill yourselves. The men are all busy trying to fix these problem you stupid little children created.