Jihadi Black Who Killed White Student and Three Other People Sentenced

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2018

Have you ever seen a nog more monkey-faced?

I don’t think I have.


A former Seattle resident who admitted killing four people on a self-proclaimed “jihad” to avenge U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East received a life sentence without parole Tuesday for the 2014 ambush of a college student sitting in his car at a traffic light.

Ali Muhammad Brown, 33, is expected to be extradited to Washington state to face charges in the three other killings.

On Tuesday, facing a courtroom packed with more than 100 of friends and relatives of the victim, Brown initially apologized to the parents and then went off on a rambling monologue in which he repeatedly asked to be treated “as a human being, not a monster.”

That didn’t sway state Superior Court Judge Ronald Wigler, who called Brendan Tevlin’s murder “one of the most heinous, horrific, brutal crimes I have presided over” in eight years on the bench.