Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2015

Jim Carrey, generally believed to be the last comedian who was actually funny, has launched a Twitter war against California’s plan to force vaccinate everyone.
It is nice to see a celebrity who appears to care about something.
Beginning on the 30th, his anti-vaccine posting just ended 17 hours ago.
Here are the first few, where he explains his position:
California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in manditory vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped.
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) July 1, 2015
They say mercury in fish is dangerous but forcing all of our children to be injected with mercury in thimerosol is no risk. Make sense?
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) July 1, 2015
The CDC can't solve a problem they helped start. It's too risky to admit they have been wrong about mercury/thimerasol. They are corrupt.
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) July 1, 2015
Go to watch the documentary and judge for yourselves. If you really care about the kids you will. It's shocking!
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) July 1, 2015
Vaccines do indeed contain heavy metals and this is indeed probably not very healthy. It is also true that it is oppressive for the government to force people to inject things into their bodies, especially when we aren’t even dealing with any kind of pandemic here. If there were a pandemic, it would come with the immigrants.
Vaccines and Autism
I am not sure about the theory that vaccination causes autism. It has been widely mocked, as well as endorsed by a lot of conspiracy theorists I don’t particularly respect. I am not a scientist, so I can’t say definitively either way, but my general thinking is that autism is something much bigger than vaccines, involving all different sorts of environmental toxins which are having a degenerative epigenetic effect on people, particularly those in first world countries.
What is certainly true is that those who do not participate in modern civilization don’t seem to be getting autism, and in the West (America in particular) it just keeps on rising, so claiming that it is genetic is ridiculous.
Amish people, for example, get it almost never, while we in “civilization” are now at one of every sixty-eight kids (most of which are White males though, so who cares, right?). However, some people have claimed Amish do vaccinate their kids, which would indicate it isn’t mainly vaccines causing autism but some other environmental factor. Perhaps plastics.
I would argue that all of our problems, including the racial ones, can be traced back to a separation from the natural order, and the autism issue makes this obvious.