Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2015

Jobbik has announced they are going to try and simmer down now.
In politics, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. I can’t sit here and judge. Actually I in fact can and do, but I don’t know what they are dealing with.
But how much can you tone yourself down before you totally lose the plot?
The bright side is that
Criticized by human rights groups for anti-Roma, anti-Semitic, pro-Russian and anti-European Union messages, Jobbik may be on track to join a government in 2018. The party is toning down language that helped it become the second-largest in Hungary’s parliament after an election last year, Jobbik leader Gabor Vona said in an interview in Magyar Nemzet newspaper over the weekend.
That’s the part that doesn’t make sense. Toning down popular rhetoric.
“We need to preserve our program in a way that appeals to the widest layers of Hungarian society,” said Vona, 36, according to the transcript of the interview. “I’m going to disappoint those who hoped that Jobbik was an extremist, Nazi party.”
It’s okay, Mr. Sellout. We’re used to being disappointed.
Jobbik has, in the past, organized paramilitary groups to crack down on what it called “Roma crime.” It wants to loosen “euro-Atlantic” ties and build closer relations with countries including Iran, Russia and Turkey, resist “colonial policies” of the EU, and start talks on restructuring Hungary’s debt.
The party also wants to counter “Zionist Israel’s quest for world domination,” according to the party’s website. More than 500,000 Hungarians, mostly Jews, were killed in the Holocaust, according to the Budapest-based Holocaust Memorial Center.
lol @ Bloomberg connecting those two things especially shamelessly.
Also, I guess it’s good they’ve still got the anti-Jew stuff in their program. But how are they going to stop the Jews from taking over the world? Will they man-up send their military to attack Israel?
“There’s no place in Jobbik for opinions that are profane, collective in nature and that desecrate” people, Vona said in the interview. “That doesn’t mean that we can’t talk about the local Jewish community, Israel’s policies or the Gypsy problem.”
Yep. Sounding pretty weak, bro. How about the six million Africans roaming around Budapest? You have something to say about them?