Jobbik Pushing Jew for Mayor

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2014

Péter Jakab: Jobbik's latest Jew
Péter Jakab: Jobbik’s latest Jew

I have previously been critical of Jobbik due to their positions on the alleged brotherhood of Turks and Hungarians, but this is certainly worse that that: they are now pushing for a Jew to be mayor of a Hungarian town.

The Jewish Chronicle:

Péter Jakab announced his candidacy for mayor of the north-eastern town of Miskolc in late May, while also revealing that his mother’s family was Jewish. He added that he was not practising.

The Chief Rabbi for the United Hungarian Jewish Community, Slomó Köves, said: “It’s never too late to regret it and repent.”

This is after one of their top men, Csanád Szegedi, “discovered” he was Jewish and converted to holocaust confirmation, became a practicing religious Jew. At that time – 2012 – Jobbik was not allowing Jew members, and forced him to resign.