Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2015

As the regular reader is aware, we have a policy of reporting both the good and bad about all things and persons, and this includes people we wish to support.
Jobbik sometimes seems like a very serious and good nationalist group, other times it seems as though they are willing to compromise on core issues in an attempt to chase after popular support.
The “far-right” party this week sent one of its politicians to spend three days living with a gypsy member of the party as penitence for having made racist statements against gypsies in 2011 and 2013.
I don’t approve of this.
Jobbik president Gabor Vona said Monday he gave the order to Janos Kotel because of earlier comments on Facebook in which he said, for example, that he would buy weapons to kill Roma.
Vona says Kotel’s comments are “unacceptable” and “most strenuously rejected” by Jobbik though they were made while Kotel was a member of an unarmed citizen patrol at a time of racial tensions in eastern Hungary.
Jobbik politicians have often made racist comments, even in parliament.
Kotel easily defeated a candidate from the governing Fidesz party in a Sunday by-election for city councilor in Mezotur.
Okay, so saying he wanted to kill Roma is going a bit far.
But why are their Gypsy party members in the first place?
Also, remember when a Jobbik member pulled out of Spencerfest and called Richard “an American racist”?