Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2016
Back in 2015, Joseph Biden, the current Vice President of the United States of America, celebrated the ethnic cleansing of the native people of this country, claiming that by 2017 “White people will be an absolute minority in this country” and that this is “a good thing” and “the source of our strength.”
He talks about “endless streams” of immigrants from different countries overrunning the country and overpowering Whites.
This is the first time I’ve seen this clip. It is basically the most extreme “we are genociding you” admission I’ve seen from a top official, ever.
Of course, like most every public statement I’ve ever seen Biden make, this is not technically accurate. We aren’t actually projected to be a minority next year. The actual projection is, I believe, 2037.
However, White children are already the minority being born in this country, so the actual date at which we become an “absolute minority” is irrelevant.
Donald Trump is our last chance, folks. There’s no going back after this. Hillary is going to legalize the Mexicans and others, making it statistically impossible to ever elect another White male leader in the future.