Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2015

As we reported yesterday, Joey Meek, a friend of Dylann Roof who allegedly misled the FBI after initiating contact with them in order to try and help, was asking for his $100,000 bond to be lowered.
The female judge did lower it, but only to $25,000, an amount that the 21-year-old air-conditioner repairman who lives in a trailer still presumably can’t afford. Normally, they would release him on personal recognizance, but the judge says she can’t do that because of the feelings of Black people.
They are even keeping the poor bastard in solitary confinement, which is a form of torture.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Shiva Hodges lowered Joey Meek’s bond Thursday to $25,000, down from the $100,000 that was set after his arrest last month. Authorities say Meek lied and failed to report everything he knew about Dylann Roof’s plans to shoot parishioners at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.
Women judges.

Hodges declined a request from Meek’s attorneys for a personal recognizance bond, which is a written promise to show up in court. She said she normally would approve that for these charges, but the circumstances dictated otherwise.
Hodges addresses the survivors and victims’ relatives who asked her not to reduce bond at all.
“I appreciate what you’re requesting. My sympathies are with you, your families and your church,” she said. “My responsibility is to make sure I don’t allow my sympathies to get in the way of my oath.”
Felicia Sanders — whose 26-year-old son was killed while shielding her and trying to protect his 87-year-old aunt, who died — said she’s afraid.
“I’m having a hard time just getting through each and every day,” she said.
Afraid of what?
Look, I’m sorry your church got shot-up, but what does that have to do with holding this poor kid – who tried to help police catch the person who shot your church up – in jail for no reason?
You’re afraid Joey Meeks is going to come for you?
Prosecutor Jay Richardson argued against any reduction in bond.
While the charges are nonviolent, Richardson said, the alleged crime “did have the effect of concealing a horrible crime against the victims, Mother Emanuel and this state.” He later conceded that Meek has shown no violent tendencies.
That statement is false.
What he is apparently being charged with is not initially saying that when Roof was drunk he had talked about “doing something.” He later told this to police, and they charged him with lying for having not told them earlier.
He did not conceal anything about the crime.
Meek’s attorney, Deborah Barbier, argued that Meeks has been in solitary confinement since his Sept. 17 arrest, is not a flight risk and has a limited, nonviolent criminal history.
Again, it is universally accepted that solitary confinement is a form of torture.

Please remember that if you try to help the FBI, they will literally torture you for it.
Do. Not. Ever. Talk. To. Cops.
Barbier also said Meek has a history of mental health issues, so continued solitary confinement could affect his ability to be mentally stable for court. She offered no details on that history.
Richardson argued that Meek’s record during probation shows a tendency not to follow court orders. He noted Meeks was arrested in May for receiving stolen property and admitted to authorities that he used marijuana. He also pointed to Meek’s unstable employment history, with jobs lasting one to two months. Hodges agreed that’s a concern but added, “he’s only 21.”
Meek hung out with Roof off and on in the weeks before the June 17 shooting. A day after the shooting, Meek told The Associated Press that Roof had drunkenly complained to him that “blacks were taking over the world” and “someone needed to do something about it for the white race.”
Authorities say Meek knew more. The indictment alleges he knowingly lied to an FBI agent when he said “that he did not know specifics of Dylann Roof’s plan to shoot individuals on a Wednesday, during Bible Study, at an AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.”
The indictment doesn’t specify why the government thinks Meek was lying.
You really shouldn’t talk to the media either in such a situation as this. Though that is not something that will ever come up for most people.
Whereas the cop thing – that will eventually come up for everyone.
Just remember: “I have nothing to say” and “I want to talk to a lawyer.”
And never, ever, ever try to help these people. As counterintuitive as it is, these people you are told are here to protect you will do anything they can to cause you personal harm, in every situation.
This knowledge may keep you from being tortured.