Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2015

John Boehner, the limp-wristed (he is despite the name, lol) scum-bucket who was recently exposed as being the devil by an Ohio bartender, fully resisted questioning Obama’s insane executive amnesty program for weeks after it was declared. Now, all of the sudden, he has finally come out with a crappy speech, where instead of calling for impeachment, he lists off 22 times when Obama said it was illegal for him to do what he did.
Excuse me Senior Boner, but I don’t care what Obama said about the legality of his executive action. He is a low-IQ Negro terrorist whose opinions and beliefs do not matter and should be completely disregarded in every situation. What I care about is stopping this.
Everyone knows it is illegal and even most democrats were against it. Fixing it would be like shooting fish in a barrel, you could easily have called for impeachment the day he made the illegal declaration and courts would have had no choice but to go along with it. Yet you did nothing until now, when all you do is say the crap I just heard?
You, Mr. Devil, are worse than Obama. At least he is upfront about his communist agenda.
It is not only treason that Obama did this to us, it is treason (in an even worse form) that the people who are supposed to stop it are doing nothing but giving stupid and pathetic speeches for Fox News sound bites and openly refusing to take action against the African terrorist President.
The Boner knows that the vast majority of people don’t understand that he could, very easily, force Obama out of office and isn’t doing it because he, as a capitalist and Jew tool, is glad that Obama issued this decree as it goes along with his own backers support of the invasion of the US by subhumans willing to destroy American wages.