Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2015

We have said for a while now that the best qualification you can have to get a job nowadays is to be Black, gay, female or Jewish and now the US department of State is actually admitting it.
They have created a new diplomatic role for an international sodomite, who must be ready to travel over seas and up exotic anal passages, to help further the US government’s mission to bring buggery to the four corners of the world.
The person for the job must be obviously homosexual and thus prepared to engage in degenerate sexual acts in public, no other special qualifications are required.

The US Department of State will soon select an openly gay diplomat to oversee international human rights advocacy for LGBT people.
Candidates for the specialized envoy position will be vetted by Secretary of State John Kerry before someone is chosen by the end of February, the Boston Globe reports.
“It’s been long in the making, because the Secretary insisted the envoy be a career Foreign Service officer from inside the institution,” a government source told the Globe.
The person will already be a trained diplomat and openly gay.
The much-desired position will be filled before a bill proposed last week, to create an LGBT envoy within the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the Department of State, can be either passed or rejected.
“We wouldn’t want to wait for passage to do something we’ve long thought was the right thing to do,” the source added.
Remember: We didn’t kill Hitler to save Poland – that was just a side benefit. We especially killed him for this: international diplomats of anal sex with men.
Never forget it.