John McCain: A Traitor Who Cockblocked POW Rescue Efforts as Employee of Commie Gooks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2018

Hopefully in the coming weeks and months we will find out more about the evil communist traitor and alleged boy-fucker John McCain.

Now that the sickening bastard is finally dead, people are going to coming out speaking about him, I hope.

As you may view in the above video, McCain singlehandedly worked to cockblock attempts to rescue POWs, and many former POWs state he was a collaborator who recorded anti-American propaganda videos for the communist gooks.

His efforts to block the rescue of POWs were never explained. There was no personal benefit to him. There was not even any benefit to Jews – I don’t imagine they care either way. The only reason he could have done this is that he either made a deal with the commie gooks or was being blackmailed by them – or because he was actually loyal to communism.

The fact that he was funded by George Soros indicates that he may actually have been a communist loyalist. This would certainly explain his protection of Obamacare.

It would also explain his desire to flood America with the sewage people of the entire planet, turning our once great nation into the global septic tank for genetic waste. Spics, sandniggers, paki IT pros – The Maverick wanted them all living on your street, fucking your daughter…. and your son.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter if John McCain was ideologically a loyal communist or was simply being blackmailed by communists after having betrayed America in order to avoid torture in Vietnam, the important thing is that he’s dead.