Join the Stormer BBS Today and Fight the Jews!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2016


For those unaware, we have a new comments system which is working fantastically. Infinitely better than kiked disqus, which fully kiked us.

Comment numbers are getting back up towards where they were before the disqus banning, but we’re still missing some of our favorite posters. You know who you are. I’d like to have you all back around again. It isn’t the same without you.

Along with being a comments system, the software also functions as a bbs, allowing user to create their own threads. This function is still in beta mode, as the details of it are being worked out, but presently you may begin posting your own threads in two groups: Tactical News Team Alpha and Tactical Discussion Room Prime.

Daily Stormer BBS

Choose your category by opening the categories menu.

Tactical News Team Alpha is described thusly:

Welcome, brothers.

This is the Tactical News Room. A tactical room inhabited by Tactical News Team Alpha.

That is you all.

What we’re doing here:

I do my best to keep all the relevant news stories on the front page. But there are stories I miss sometimes, stories I might not think are as important as you think they are, and so on. There is also a likelihood that you will find important stories before I do some times (I will be daily browsing this Tactical Room to find important stories to put up on the front page).

There is also the regrettable fact that being a human being, I must eat and sleep and cannot constantly be on the internet. As such, a happening can occur which I am not immediately able to post about.

As such, I am providing you all with your own space on this bbs to post your news stories.

Verily, by the power invested in me by international internet Nazism, I hereby dub thee, the Stormer readership, Tactical News Team Alpha.

Right now, there are no rules, other than that every post should relate to current events, include a portion of the related article or articles (if there is one), quoted, as well as a link to the source(s). Preferably – because it is more pleasant – every thread should also include a picture.

Threads which are not related to current events, but instead fit into “general discussion,” should be posted in Tactical Discussion Room Prime.

Hail Victory.

Conversely, Tactical Discussion Room Prime is described thus:

Welcome, brothers, to Tactical Discussion Room Prime. This is the prime room for tactical discussion.

This room will be devoted to discussion topics which are unrelated to current news. This will include discussions of philosophy, social issues, popular (or unpopular) culture, history, random topics and anything else which does not fit in the other current category, Tactical News Team Alpha (a current events/news category).

This category will not have any serious rules – at least not yet – but if you have related links, please post them. Also, if possible, include pictures to make the thread more interesting (that’s a suggestion, not a requirement).

Hail Victory.

Both boards are now active, and you can post freely.

We had a beta 0.1 mode going for a while, wherein people could post threads in an “uncategorized” section. Presently, I am in the process of moving these posts to the new boards.

Note to those already posting: please make sure your new posts are marked in one of these two categories.

There is a very good thread about Ted Cruz’s Cruzbots presently in Tactical Discussion Room Prime which you will wish to check.

You can easily create an account on the bbs (takes 90 seconds), or you can log in using Twitter.


Most users have reported that they find the system intuitive, and that it is very easy to get used to.

Please drink responsibly while using the forums, and report any ne’er-do-wells using the reporting system.

The structure and systems are far from complete, but it is fully usable now. If you have any problems or suggestions as to how we can improve things, please post them in this thread.

And yes. There is obviously a troll forum in the works. But it is still in the works. And the possibilities are limitless. As I’ve mentioned, I would also be interested in hosting foreign language forums (especially GERMAN). But that all has to be worked out. Needless to say, figuring this stuff out is not something I have a lot of time for, given that I do work double-full-time on the main page.

But we’ll get there.

Always forward.

Once again, I give six million thank yous to weev for setting this up, and generally making it possible for the Daily Stormer to stay online was we are under constant attack from filthy Jews and their lackeys.

And thank all of you. As always, I am humbled by this work.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin