Joke Country: Obama Advises Kanye West on Presidential Run

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2015

Yes, this is actually real life.


President Barack Obama poked a litte fun at rapper Kanye West on Saturday for saying he planned to run for the White House and offered some tongue-in-cheek advice on how to achieve a successful political career.

“First of all, you’ve got to spend a lot of time dealing with some strange characters who behave like they’re on a reality TV show. So you’ve just to be cool with that,” Obama said to laughter from a crowded theater where he was headlining a fundraiser.

West is married to reality TV star Kim Kardashian.

“Second important tip: saying that you have a ‘Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy’ — that’s what’s known as ‘off-message’ in politics. You can’t say something like that,” Obama riffed, making reference to a popular West album.

“And number three: do you really think that this country is going to elect a black guy from the South Side of Chicago with a funny name to be president of the United States? That is crazy. That’s cray!” Obama, who lived on the South Side of Chicago before he was elected president, concluded, to applause.

West has said he’s serious about running for president in 2020.

Who cares if you get completely globally humiliated by Russia as long as you can still be Black and rich and hand out with rich Black people?

Here is Obama in 2009, commenting “off the record” (video was obviously released on purpose as a publicity stunt) about Kanye rushing the stage and harassing Taylor Swift at the Grammys.

What a weird gay bastard.

Kanye is also weird and gaylike.

When that video came out, even Black people were like “why he be gay?”

If we’re going to have a Black President, we need someone who is straight-gangsta.

Like Gucci Mane.
