Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 20, 2015

Following the Jonestown Massacre, Alex Jones has claimed that David Duke is the Big Bad Wolf, and that he did bad things to him, psychologically, during the commercial breaks.
Listen to this clip of him speaking after the debate.
Basically, Jones is saying “this alpha male made me feel like a helpless little girl.”
The idea that he morphed into a wolf during the commercial breaks is insane. I’m surprised he didn’t accuse him of shape-shifting into a reptilian, David Icke-style.

At the end of the massacre, Jones said “what big teeth you have,” referencing the Little Red Riding Hood fable where the Big Bad Wolf dressed up like an innocent grandma.
Look – I know David Duke. You talk to him in private, and he acts exactly the same as he does in public. He really is just a genuine, nice guy, who just really cares about defending European heritage and race.
But that doesn’t fit the Jones narrative, which is that White people who claim to want to defend the European race are really evil monsters who want to gas everyone and oppress people for no reason. So he creates a – literal – fairy tale narrative to explain away the disconnect between “well, this seems like a normal, nice guy who just believes in human rights” and “satanic mass-murderer in waiting.”
No Explanation of the Shutting Down
One thing Alex Jones did not comment on was the fact that he originally uploaded a 17 minute version of the two hour interview, and then deleted it from his YouTube channel.
What’s more, he literally deleted the posting from his website.
Talk about “shut it down.” This is like a cartoon.
Ask for Answers
Jones had Duke on, which was fair enough, but the fact that he is now attempting to erase this event from history is a borderline criminal act, and he needs to be confronted on it.
If you want answers, why don’t you drop by and The Alex Jones YouTube channel and post comments asking for an explanation as to why Alex has attempted to flush this “debate” down the memory hole. Remember to upvote your brothers’ comments.
If he has nothing to hide, than why is he hiding?
Was he order by his Jew producer, Rob Jacobson, to shut it down? Did his Jew wife, Rebecca Nichols, order the shutdown? Or was it his Jewish network? Perhaps his Jewish sponsors? Maybe his team of Jew lawyers?
We need an explanation.