Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2015
![Le Giggling Merchant](/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/1442006779794-618x348.jpg)
Joshua Goldberg has not been indicted, ostensibly because his Jew lawyer claims he is mentally unfit to stand trial.
For those who are unfamiliar, Goldberg was a Jewish troll who posed as feminists, gamergaters, ISIS members and tried to infiltrate the Daily Stormer as an Australian pro-White activist.
I outlined the situation in my initial article after he was arrested.
Wacko Jew Terrorist Joshua Goldberg Attempted to Infiltrate the Daily Stormer
I then gave some more details in my response to Ram Z. Paul’s attack on the Daily Stormer over the associations.
The RamZPaul Attack on The Daily Stormer is Pretty Disappointing
The BBC currently has a piece up about him, wherein they are throwing a pity-party, talking about how said it was that he was mentally ill and didn’t leave the house because he was so sad all day.
Unlike the original coverage, which made a point to point out that he was a Jew pretending to be both a Nazi and a Moslem, the article does not mention the word “Jew.”
It seems Goldberg wasn’t just posing as a racist neo-Nazi. Earlier this year an Australian journalist, Elise Potaka, discovered that someone was impersonating her, and one of her sources, online. Potaka enlisted the help of another journalist, Luke McMahon, and together they started chatting with Goldberg’s online personalities.
“It was immediately apparent to me that I was dealing with like a classic Internet troll, but one that was obviously quite sophisticated,” McMahon says. “When I first started engaging with him… I thought I was dealing with a member of the far right. But as the conversation progressed and I worked out this wasn’t about any kind of ideological crusade, but it was something much different.”
And his statements started to get the attention of the FBI. Reality was about to descend.
‘Socially isolated’
The footprint of these fake aliases is spread all over the internet. In late August, we here at the BBC Trending blog got an email from Australi Witness. “You might know me for inspiring the attack in Garland, Texas earlier this year,” it read. “I would like you to know that, on September 11, a pressure cooker bomb is going to be detonated in a large Midwestern US city.”
The message contained ridiculous claims and unbelievable boasts – but was forwarded to the police regardless.
When he was arrested, the affidavit says, Goldberg admitted being behind the fake identity, but claimed he was hoping the Islamist militant he thought he was talking to would blow himself up in the process of building the bomb. Failing that, Goldberg told authorities, he would call police at the last minute, stop the attack, and be hailed as a hero.
He didn’t have the sense – we are told – to call a Jew lawyer before he confessed to the FBI when they came to his house, but now he has one.
Who is probably going to get him off on mental health.
Goldberg’s lawyer, Paul Shorstein, says the arrest came as a shock to the rest of his family, and that his client is currently receiving care for mental health issues.
Here is Paul Shorstein’s profile on his website.
Interesting part:
For two years, Paul Shorstein was the head of the entire White Collar Crime Unit and Asset Forfeiture Division in the second biggest county in Georgia. He was the first attorney in the county to successfully prosecute a RICO case and was given a special commendation by the Atlanta branch of the FBI for his work on two large scale white collar crime cases that involved victims all over the United States and a money trail that spanned two continents.
Wow, given awards by the FBI and is now defending a Jew who may have been working with intelligence agencies against the FBI.
Also interestingly enough, Paul’s father was a high-up lawyer, Harry Shorstein, who served as a Florida State Attorney and even has his own Wikipedia page. He now works with his son Paul.
I wonder how the details of this arrangement were arranged?
Local news reports say neighbours rarely if ever saw him outside – some didn’t even know he was living in his parents’ house.
“He was a very socially isolated individual,” says Luke McMahon, the journalist who chatted with him for months online. “He was someone who found refuge on the Internet and established connections with a community that he wasn’t able to develop in the real world. Unfortunately that community that he became involved with is a very negative and destructive community.”
So why did a young man take on all of these cloaks and identities? Potaka and McMahon say that if Joshua Goldberg did have an ideology, it was one based on an extreme interpretation of the idea of free speech. But his aliases were so many and so contradictory that it’s difficult to tell what he really believed, or even if online essays published under his own name really represent his views.
Yeah, right.
Makes perfect sense.
Nothing to do with the fact he was a Jew.
Because race doesn’t exist anyway.
Goldberg has been arrested, on suspicion of terrorism offences, but hasn’t yet been indicted. He is currently undergoing an evaluation to see if he is mentally fit to stand trial.
Of course!
“I’d often look at the weather in Florida … and it’s like fantastic weather in Florida and I’m sitting here in freezing cold Melbourne,” McMahon says. “I said to him, ‘Why don’t you go outside? Like why don’t you go to the beach?’ And he’d tell me these sort of intimate things about himself like you the fact that he does suffer from depression and that he doesn’t leave the house. I think it’s really difficult to not empathise with someone who’s in that situation.“
Is this McMahon a Jew too?
He appears (pure speculation, of course) to have been set up as a witness to Goldberg’s insanity plea months ago.
This whole thing is starting to look very, very suspicious.
Not that it didn’t to begin with.
Although I do admit I said something originally like “yeah but if he was working with someone else why would he use his own IP and then talk to the FBI without a lawyer and actually confess to trying to kill people?”
But all that, of course, could play into the insanity plea – “he would have to be insane to use his own IP and then confess immediately – the confession must be thrown out!”
I think this is the tip of the iceberg here of a massive Jewish trolling operation intended to do all sorts of insane things. I also think Goldberg is getting credit for stuff he didn’t even do.
As I’ve said, I don’t even think it would be physically possible for him to do all of this that he is getting blamed/taking credit for.
I’d say we have a genuine mystery on our hands here, kids.
![No one could have seen it coming.](/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Scooby-doo-Jew-618x464.jpg)
Someone needs to solve it. And I don’t think the FBI has any interest in doing so.
They are literally refusing to indict him for admitting to planning a pressure-cooker bomb attack!
Where is /pol/?