Journalist Reporting in Ferguson Attacked for Being White

Daily Stormer
August 26, 2014

(The action begins after the 2:00 mark)

This footage is incredible.  You can view the Blacks excusing their looting on the pretext that they were looting for no reason because Michael Brown was killed for no reason – this is possibly the greatest example of the way a Black person’s mind works that I’ve ever encountered.

They say these things to a fellow Black who is questioning the purposeful destruction of their own neighborhood.  He is accused of siding with Whites and being possessed by a White devil.

Can you imagine though – these Blacks literally believe that this White cop just drove up and shot a Black guy for no reason.  Just because he was an evil White Man.

The White man attacked is the producer of the short documentary, Charlie LeDuff, who is a journalist and author and works for a Fox News affiliate in Detroit.

Can you imagine if the fury of Ferguson was let loose on the entire country?  It could be dealt with, of course… but not without live ammo.

God Help Us.