Journalists Should be Replaced with AI

Jakub “Kuba” Zielinski, one of the new Polish radio AI presenters

Poland is occupied by the United States. They made the decision to be occupied by the United States because Stalin was a very bad daddy and they want to hurt him in revenge. Most Poles, apparently, believe he is still alive, and simply shaved his mustache and experienced some male pattern baldness.

An alliance with the United States means “full niggerfaggotism.” The Americans do not give you a choice. They demand niggerfaggotism, and part of their “defense treaty” system involves agreements to bring in all of these NGO groups that control education and the media.

Still, Poland remains at its heart a conservative Catholic country. So it might be difficult to find radio presenters who want to go super-anal double-nigger.


A Polish radio station has triggered controversy after dismissing its journalists and relaunching this week with AI-generated “presenters.”

Weeks after letting its journalists go, OFF Radio Krakow relaunched this week, with what it said was “the first experiment in Poland in which journalists … are virtual characters created by AI.”

The station in the southern city of Krakow said its three avatars are designed to reach younger listeners by speaking about cultural, art and social issues including the concerns of LGBTQ+ people.


“Is artificial intelligence more of an opportunity or a threat to media, radio and journalism? We will seek answers to this question,” the station head, Marcin Pulit, wrote in a statement.

The change got nationwide attention after Mateusz Demski, a journalist and film critic who until recently hosted a show on the station, published an open letter Tuesday protesting “the replacement of employees with artificial intelligence.”

“It is a dangerous precedent that hits us all,” he wrote, and argued it could open the way “to a world in which experienced employees associated with the media sector for years and people employed in creative industries will be replaced by machines.”

More than 15,000 signed the petition by Wednesday morning, Demski told The Associated Press. He said he has also gotten calls from hundreds of people, many of them young people who do not want to be the subject of such an experiment.

Demski worked at OFF Radio Krakow from February 2022, carrying out interviews with Ukrainians fleeing war, until August, when he was among about a dozen journalists who were let go. He said the move was especially shocking because the broadcaster is a taxpayer-supported public station.

Pulit insisted that no journalists were fired because of AI but because its listenership “was close to zero.”

Krzysztof Gawkowski, the minister of digital affairs and a deputy prime minister, weighed in on Tuesday, saying he had read Demski’s appeal and that legislation is needed to regulate AI.

“Although I am a fan of AI development, I believe that certain boundaries are being crossed more and more,” he wrote on X. “The widespread use of AI must be done for people, not against them!”

If it’s a state-funded broadcaster, it was probably already totally anal, as “state-funded” effectively means it’s the United States running it. Again, if you look at these various agreements you sign when you wish to become a vassal of the US, it’s a whole lot of stuff about anal sex (with men).

Generally, replacing journalists with AI is a great idea. Journalism is not a real profession, it’s a job for very stupid college graduates who lack basic human morality. There is virtually no “shoe leather” journalism left, and instead all of the top journalists print readouts from the government or “leaks” from official government sources. Opinion journalists simply share government-approved opinions.

The basic thing that goes on is that the government funnels stories into the New York Times (and to a lesser extent the Washington Post) and every other journalist in the West simply copies whatever they say. We’re talking here about Poland, and though I’m not familiar with the landscape in Poland, I guarantee there is a major platform, linked to various State Department NGOs, which serves the role of the Times and gives the official narrative.

These people should all lose their jobs.

If they are actually good at what they do, they can become bloggers on Substack. However, as we’ve seen with Don Lemon, media corporations often hire people who could not survive on their own.

Lemon was a primetime CNN host. His numbers on YouTube, where he now does his show, are ridiculous and sad.

That’s why journalists and other “creatives” are whining about losing their jobs at big companies: they do not have the skills to do anything worthwhile.

Here’s the thing: if you can be replaced with an AI, you are not important. The mere fact that companies are considering replacing you with AI means you are not doing something meaningful.

Obviously, people need to have jobs, and with automation and so on, a lot of people who are not smug and just want to work could be replaced, and that is something that needs to be addressed.

I hate the sickening pinko unions and think those fat, greedy, whining husks should all be replaced with robots. They are a criminal cartel and a terrorist group. But there are good people who need jobs.

But the AI is not creative. If you are a creative being replaced with AI, you just suck. Sorry.

Creative work has mostly been a scam for a long time. Just look at Hollywood. Or modern art (including pointless “digital art” which is arguably not really even art).

And architecture.

Luddite arguments have never really made any sense, at least not within a market economy (and it has to be a market economy now because the economy is globalized). I don’t know how you’re supposed to deal with AI and robots in the workplace if/when these technologies start threatening people working in STEM or normal blue collar jobs. It’s something that a society run by adults would be able to address in a serious manner, but we are not a society run by adults, so discussion of any serious problem seems ridiculous.

But the fact that “creatives” are the first ones to be replaced is telling: they are the most useless people in our society.

I Would Like to be Replaced with AI

You might have just been thinking: “Anglin, you’re a creative, and sort of a journalist.”

This is true. It is also true that I would love for my day-to-day work to be replaced with AI. However, as many of you noticed at the time, I spent several weeks experimenting with AI on this website, and it simply did not work. I do a lot more than summarize press releases from the US government. My work requires me to think, and the AI cannot do that.

In the future, I hope that some of the typing can be passed off to AI, and I can simply input the ideas I want to share. Right now, there are problems with stylizing the writing (this is especially true since only Lama will do the politically incorrect topics and the vulgarity, and it is not yet at the same level as ChatGPT). That will probably be worked out. One problem I have is that my thought process has become tied to the act of typing itself, which probably cannot be fixed.

My personal struggles with the technology are a separate issue, but the point I am trying to make is that there are a lot of other things I would rather be doing, specifically things that are financially profitable, and the only reason I do this writing is that no one else is willing to do it (seriously, look around – it’s ridiculous).

I fully understand that this is not serious work. I mean, my work is serious, because I’m talking about serious things, but it is only serious because no one else talks about these things. But the basic act of reading and then writing about what you read is not serious. The same goes for talking about things you read on the TV or the radio. If you’re working at a mainstream media outlet, you need a simple college eduction to know how words work, but that is all you need. Anyone could do the job journalists do, and yet they maintain this pretentious and haughty disposition which enables them to act as if they are important.