Juan Guaido’s Jewy-Looking Wife Comes to Miami, Given “Key to the County”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2019

The fake president of Venezuela has sent his wife on a tour of the US to drum up support for an invasion.

This bitch looks Jewish as fuck.

She’s reasonably attractive – I guess – but that toothy smile with the gums being exposed on the sides is very specifically Jewish.

The mousey thing is also Jewish.

She also met last week with Queen Esther, the savior of the Jewish people – another indication that she is Jewish.

I don’t know if she’s Jewish or not.

I’ve heard audio of her husband the fake president saying he’s Jewish, and I’m not even sure if that’s true.

Whatever the case, this is a Jewish agenda.


Fabiana Rosales, the wife of Venezuela’s US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido, was given the royal treatment by officials in Miami-Dade, who gave the self-proclaimed ‘first lady’ the key to the county.

As Guaido drums up support for his cause on the ground in Venezuela, he passed the baton of liaising with Washington to his wife, 26-year-old Rosales. Rosales, an activist and journalist who married Guiado in 2013, had already met with US President Donald Trump, VP Mike Pence, and First Lady Melania Trump.

After rubbing shoulders with the bigwigs in Washington, Rosales headed to Florida. On Friday, she again made headlines after she was welcomed by Mayor Carlos Gimenez and local lawmakers at Miami-Dade County Hall.

Rosales addressed the officials, speaking about her desire to “restore” humanity in Venezuela and stop the “massacre” of children in her country, which has been plagued by a severe economic crisis and political turmoil as her husband tries to seize power.

Local media came with reports fawning over Rosales, describing her as a “potent force in Venezuela’s opposition to the Maduro regime.”

The elated mood of the gathering culminated in Gimenez giving Rosales the symbolic golden key to the county in a festive ceremony. Gimenez said that he sympathized with Rosales because he himself was born in Cuba and has first-hand knowledge of totalitarianism, dictatorship, and socialism – despite only being six when he was brought to the US.

Yes, yes.

Children being massacred.

I’m quite certain that must be real.

Just like it is every other time when the US has launched a war because of children being massacred.

Where is This Going?

Basically, this is all a test balloon.

The Trump Administration is seeing how much support they can drum up for an invasion. Sending out a reasonably attractive stupid whore to say “oh my god you have to do a war to save the children” is boomer-bait 101.

To get the first Iraq war started, they sent out a 16-year-old girl to claim that she witnessed Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators and smashing their heads on the ground.

A “Holocaust survivor” Jew Congressman, Tom Lantos, brought her into congress and said it was all real.

It turned out it was a total hoax, and the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US. She was never charged with a crime for giving false testimony to Congress.

Lantos was never charged with a crime for setting the whole thing up to start a war.

All wars are hoaxes.

The question is always whether or not the Jews can drum up enough support for the hoax from the idiotic boomer population.

So that is what you are witnessing right now. They are putting this stuff out there, seeing if they can get people to take the bait.

It had slowed down for a while, now it appears to be building back up again.

I think that probably, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton have told Trump that it will be good for his 2020 campaign if he’s in a war. There is historical evidence that this is true.

All of the Democrat candidates – besides the fringe ones like Yang and Tulsi – have endorsed war in Venezuela to bring democracy and stop children being massacred or whatever. So the debate argument would be about who can fight the war better, not whether or not we should be having a war in South America at all.

The fact that China and Russia are already stationed in the country certainly means that this is more complicated than it was when Trump first started floating the idea of an invasion.

But that certainly serves the agenda of Jews.

So I am not going to make any predictions here. It is all simply dependent on whether or not boomers eat this bait.

I ended up watching a Trump rally in Michigan on Thursday when it invaded and took over the Tucker Carlson Show. Trump is doing a good job being himself with a completely new agenda. Even I had to watch myself not to get sucked in.

He’s built a very powerful personality cult, and that personality cult can be used for a lot of evil acts.