Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016
A protester at last night’s Trump rally in Oklahoma City (full video) wore a shirt reading “KKK endorses Trump,” and had a yellow Jude star pinned on his chest.
The “KKK” statement is a response to David Duke’s recent endorsement of Trump. Duke has not been in the KKK for like 45 years, but they just keep claiming he’s the Grand Wizard anyway, because hey, might as well.
What is this gesture?
It isn’t clear if the man was a Jew or was using the symbol to suggest “muh minority persecution,” but more than likely he was a Jew.
Trump stared down this enemy agent, before noting that in the good old days, police would have acted much faster to get him out, and suggesting he should have been roughed-up a bit.