Judge Decides to Go Ahead and Release Paki Sex Gang, But Bans Them From Snapchat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2018

It is truly incredible to me that British men are not responding to things like this with mass shootings, mosque bombings, assassinations of public officials supporting these invading forces, etc.

I mean, it is just shocking that none of that is going on.

And no one is even getting arrested for talking about it. So the idea of it is apparently just totally not in the heads of men in Britain.

What is in their heads, I wonder?



Doctor Who?

It’s great though, whatever it is, that the British are so docile and understanding. Really makes the whole transformation so much easier.


Four men jailed for child grooming and treating “teenage girls like trophies” have been banned from using Snapchat.

Taiyab Hussain, 19, Mohammed Hizar Rizwan, 18, Shaheem Ratyal, 19, and Sohail Raja Ali, 19, all from Burton upon Trent, pleaded guilty to various child grooming offences in February.

They were each banned from the social media app for eight years at their sentencing at Stafford Crown Court.

The victims were five girls aged from 13 to 16.

His Honour Judge Jonathan Gosling said the case was “nothing like Rochdale” and that the men were not “predatory paedophiles” but “schoolboys”.

That’s funny, Judge, because if I didn’t know any better, I’d say it’s the exact thing – invading Moslems using white girls as sex slaves as a means to humiliate and demoralize the population that they are conquering by defiling their females.

But hey, what difference does it make?

The British male is okay with it, whatever the details.

He added: “The girls meant nothing to them, they were an agency to satisfy their adolescent lust.”

Judge Gosling said the men will be released after serving half their sentence, which was already reduced by 155 days.

Yeah, sure.

Just let them off.

With nothing.

Because they have brown skin.

And after all, they’ve been victimized by… black slavery in America… or… the Holocaust… eh… oh, the British empire. That’s it. They did this because they were victimized by colonialism.

And it could send a message to other Moslems to stay away from white girls if we locked them up too long, huh?

I mean, they really didn’t do much of anything – just general mischief, right?

The court heard one of the victims realised they were being abused after she watched a film warning how grooming can take place without victims knowing it.

She felt brave enough to tell her father what she thought was happening to her. The men were subsequently arrested and further victims came forward.

The court heard how one of the victims was 14 when she met Ratyal, 17 at the time, after he delivered a pizza to her. He admitted he “really liked her” and “initiated sexual contact with her”.

He forced her to perform sex acts and shared intimate pictures of her. The judge said Ratyal “convinced his victim that he loved her” and “she, in her childlike way, she thought she loved him too”.

Ali first met his victim on Snapchat. She was 13 at the time and he was 18.

The 13-year-old said the sexual activity with Ali “had a massive impact on her”.

The court heard Rizwan and Hussain picked up two victims in a car and forced them into performing sex acts. They did the same the next day, this time swapping girls.

A charge of collective conspiracy to abuse against the men was dropped but Judge Gosling said: “There was a joint interest in meeting and sexually abusing these young girls.

He added: “Some sexual activity was extreme. It fell short of rape. There were acts of degradation.”

Yeah sure.

Purposefully humiliating 13 and 14 year old girls sexually, apparently because of their race (I’ve certainly not ever heard of Pakistani men doing this to little Pakistani girls).

Boys will be boys.

Nothing really for British men to get angry about.

Or even think about.

Just keep looking great, lads.

Because your value is based on looking good. Being up on the latest trends.

Of course, your ancestors would respond to the current situation by forming partisan resistance groups and putting pressure cookers in trash cans and meeting Eastern European men down at the docks.

They might even have some kind of policy where every time a little white girl gets “groomed” by Pakistani men, a little Pakistani girl’s body gets found in the river, all chopped-up into pieces.

But the modern British man knows better.

He knows what life is really about.

Looking good. 

If you start to get really stressed out about the fact that your country is being conquered, your little girls turned over to the brown conquering force, and your government condoning and actually helping to implement this process, well, just head down to the tattoo shop and get some work started on a sleeve.

Nothing and I mean nothing is more fashionable than a sleeve tattoo.

At the end of your life, on your deathbed, as you lie alone under the fluorescent lights of a hospital, having never reproduced (because the Pakis got all your teenage girls), you’ll be able to look down at that sleeve and be like “wow, what a good use of money.”